Nintendo News | First Far Cry Vengeance Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.09.2006 46

One of the biggest franchises, Far Cry, is hitting the Wii with exclusive controls and gameplay. The first details have been revealed in VGMDaily" rel="external" class='fmlink'>]VGMDaily's Podcast, with some very appealing results! Widescreen, online and multiplayer all expected...

Nintendo blog GoNintendo have posted up a summary of all the information from the cast, with some very appealing information direct from the team behind the title.

  • The title is Far Cry: Vengeance
  • Lifting/flicking the nunchuck allows players to jump.
  • Wiimote used for knifing attacks, moving Wii mote forward to zoom among other innovations.
  • Not a direct port from the Xbox versions, primary focus being graphics and gameplay.
  • Stable 30 FPS presentation, available in Widescreen 480p format.
  • 20+ Hours for single player campaign.
  • Splitscreen multiplayer.
  • Online possibility being in retail version - "We're testing online right now".
  • Wiiconnect24/Downloads being a possibility also.

    More information on the title is said to be revealed on the 14th.

    Stay tuned for updates!

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    f | j | D said:
    Stable 30 FPS presentation, available in Widescreen 480p format.As long as its RE4 stable 30fps, then Im happy. For a FPS nowerdays that framerate is just about acceptable, only just though.

    *cough*Half Life 2 on Xbox*cough*Smilie

    Here is PC farcry from 2004... This is what Wii's game should look like at minimum.

    ( Edited on 13.09.2006 20:14 by f | j | D )

    ^although that's 800x600, rather than 640x480

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Willenium said:
    ^although thats 800x600, rather than 640x480

    And that's with a 3 gig processor and 1 gig RAMSmilie

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    Shinji_Zooka said:
    Willenium said:^although thats 800x600, rather than 640x480
    And thats with a 3 gig processor and 1 gig RAMSmilie

    No, its not. You can get the most out of Farcry with a fairly modest system.

    msenyszak said:
    Shinji_Zooka said:
    Willenium said:^although thats 800x600, rather than 640x480
    And thats with a 3 gig processor and 1 gig RAMSmilie
    No, its not. You can get the most out of Farcry with a fairly modest system.

    I know you can play it on a fairly modest system, but to actually get the most out of it you need a pretty high-end pc, seeing I couldn't even run it fully on the living room PC, which has a 3 Ghz processor, 1 Gig RAM, and a 256 MB Nvidia GeForce 6600...Smilie

    Well, I could play it with everything maxed out, but it did chop from time to time... Meh. Anyways, I think that it

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    Willenium said:
    Marzy, those graphics are shite, and please stop regurgitating an optitians marketing slogans, it does my cynical nut.Those graphics are technicaly average Xbox graphics, and the style is just hideous. look at the texturs on your [monster] characters hands!Admit it, youre wrong.

    Im crying with laughter! help me! you are blind!

    Im crying with laughter! help me! you are blind!

    You're the only one that thinks these look anywhere near good.

    (shinji- there's something wrong with your PC- my one is only slightly better than that, and I can run it at full settings, in a decent resolution).

    It's funny why you cant even give any reasons to why they are bad. Thats because there not.

    msenyszak said:
    Im crying with laughter! help me! you are blind!
    Youre the only one that thinks these look anywhere near good.(shinji- theres something wrong with your PC- my one is only slightly better than that, and I can run it at full settings, in a decent resolution).

    Not my PC, the living room PCSmilie My PC is peachy-keen, fine as a biatchSmilie But I can run it fully, but it chops sometimes... A bit annoying, but that's when there's shit flying all over the place...

    And btw, I think they look pretty good as wellSmilie

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    I know you can play it on a fairly modest system, but to actually get the most out of it you need a pretty high-end pc, seeing I couldn't even run it fully on the living room PC, which has a 3 Ghz processor, 1 Gig RAM, and a 256 MB Nvidia GeForce 6600...This is a smilie

    My 2.4 ghz 1Gig Ram Geforce 6600 256MB system can run it near enough perfectly maxed out (although this deffinatly differs with certain drivers)

    I couldnt even run it fully on the living room PC, which has a 3 Ghz processor, 1 Gig RAM, and a 256 MB Nvidia GeForce 6600...Smilie

    I have the same, but with a geforce 6200 and it runs excellently apart from the lighting in dark places (it goes blue).

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Marzy said:
    Its funny why you cant even give any reasons to why they are bad. Thats because there not.

    Image for

    For fucks sake. Right- look at the messy, blurred cliffs in the background. The fucking shambles of 2d pixelated trees. Who's ever seen a tree like that? A mess.

    In fact, look at the textures on all the surfaces. OH WAIT. What textures? I've seen clearer images through vaseline.

    ( Edited on 13.09.2006 21:14 by msenyszak )

    But it looks the same on the XBOX. What's the diffrence?

    Marzy said:
    But it looks the same on the XBOX. Whats the diffrence?

    There isn't one.. if it looks like that on the xbox, then the xbox one also looks fucking shit.

    HOWEVER, this is meant to be the next gen. Its a little annoying for developers to be given an amazing controller, and then be limited by the machines power. I hope these screens aren't representative of the wii's power.

    I do. It still looks better than the PS2.

    msenyszak said:
    Marzy said:But it looks the same on the XBOX. Whats the diffrence?
    There isnt one.. if it looks like that on the xbox, then the xbox one also looks fucking shit.HOWEVER, this is meant to be the next gen. Its a little annoying for developers to be given an amazing controller, and then be limited by the machines power. I hope these screens arent representative of the wiis power.

    Dude, just stop being such a pessimist. I think you're expecting way too much just so you can allow yourself to bash stuff. Don't. Just be patient, and wait untill you actually play some games yourself, and see them on your tv, see them in motion. Although the Wii is weaker than the 360 and PS3, it isn't necessarily weak. We'll see eventuallySmilie

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    Shinji_Zooka said:
    msenyszak said:
    Marzy said:But it looks the same on the XBOX. Whats the diffrence?
    There isnt one.. if it looks like that on the xbox, then the xbox one also looks fucking shit.HOWEVER, this is meant to be the next gen. Its a little annoying for developers to be given an amazing controller, and then be limited by the machines power. I hope these screens arent representative of the wiis power.
    Dude, just stop being such a pessimist. I think youre expecting way too much just so you can allow yourself to bash stuff. Dont. Just be patient, and wait untill you actually play some games yourself, and see them on your tv, see them in motion. Although the Wii is weaker than the 360 and PS3, it isnt necessarily weak. Well see eventuallySmilie

    Where's the 10 foot tall rolleyes smiley when you need it?

    The GameCube could easily top what they've churned out there.

    It will hopefully be better the next time we see it, but just looks like something they've thrown together/used for testing.

    I've played the Xbox Far Cry, and it really does look much better.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Some dude called Saturo Iwata stated that the Wii is 2-3 times more powerful than the GameCube.

    This means that any games that look shit are down to lazy ass developers thinking that as long as they do something with the controller then everythings okay.

    The Wii should be running games that are better looking that PC Farcry maxed out at 640x480. My Geforce 5700LE could (which you can buy for about

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