Nintendo News | First Far Cry Vengeance Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.09.2006 46

One of the biggest franchises, Far Cry, is hitting the Wii with exclusive controls and gameplay. The first details have been revealed in VGMDaily" rel="external" class='fmlink'>]VGMDaily's Podcast, with some very appealing results! Widescreen, online and multiplayer all expected...

Nintendo blog GoNintendo have posted up a summary of all the information from the cast, with some very appealing information direct from the team behind the title.

  • The title is Far Cry: Vengeance
  • Lifting/flicking the nunchuck allows players to jump.
  • Wiimote used for knifing attacks, moving Wii mote forward to zoom among other innovations.
  • Not a direct port from the Xbox versions, primary focus being graphics and gameplay.
  • Stable 30 FPS presentation, available in Widescreen 480p format.
  • 20+ Hours for single player campaign.
  • Splitscreen multiplayer.
  • Online possibility being in retail version - "We're testing online right now".
  • Wiiconnect24/Downloads being a possibility also.

    More information on the title is said to be revealed on the 14th.

    Stay tuned for updates!

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    Sounds pretty good to me. I'm glad they're not just porting it, hopefully it'll end up looking better than the Xbox version too. Is this still appearing as a launch title, or was it mentioned as being in a 'launch window'? With Nintendo supposedly stopping online play in third party games until the start of next year (presumably because they want their stuff out and online first, or they have something special lined up for online,'s all crap and third parties ARE working with online), it seems a bit doubtful...

    Stable 30 FPS presentation, available in Widescreen 480p format.

    As long as it's RE4 "stable" 30fps, then I'm happy. For a FPS nowerdays that framerate is just about acceptable, only just though.





    ( Edited on 11.09.2006 20:25 by dojo99 )

    Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

    @ spydarlee,

    Well I suppose it makes the left hand controller (i.e. the nunchuk) capable of true 3D character control.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing what the new control schemes will settle towards. What a geek I am!!!

    "This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

    Yes, maybe 'more on September, 14th' may state, that it will be a big name or even released

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    jb said:
    Stable 30 FPS presentation, available in Widescreen 480p format
    With graphics like that it should be doing 130 fps >_> Looks shit at the moment...

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    The jumping mechanism sounds horrible, i would much prefer a button.

    Hopefully the jumping mechanism is easy to get used to and will become second nature. I think it might. It's only an upward movement of the hand after all.

    "This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

    Rumours were Nintendo didnt give out the online lib's because they wernt ready yet.

    Ubisoft might have got early ones, or made their own.

    Wii may be the perfect cosole for FPS, and that would be a hit, "

    So is the DS,the Metroid demo proved it at launch....and yet Metroid is still the only decent FPS on the format Smilie

    Just because something is perfect, dosnt mean publishers are inteligent enough to use it right.

    *glares at ubisoft*

    Lock the game camera to the wiitroler.

    Ok, theres no way to "lift" a Wiimote like you can a what...just link it to a button press. Simple hold a button down when you want to re-center the remote. (effectively it ignores movement when the button is down...EASY to code)
    Youd get used to it in no-time and both the turning circle and accuracy would increase. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    I think it would be cool if they would lock the camera to the gun(pc-style) when you're actually holding a gun, and then would automatically change to the current Red Steel control(with the box) for better control of things like say... knifes and swords, seeing that when you lock the cam to the sword and you have to swing the remote to swing the sword... lol...>->

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    The only issue I have with the controller mechanics is "moving Wii mote forward to zoom among other innovations." that I think should be configured for a button. I can see that occurring by accident. Make the zoom a button press option. What do you guys think?

    I disagree with moving the zoom control to a button. The Wii Controller will be moved from side to side to look left or right. Therefore I do not think that very many people will make the mistake of moving the controller forward on accident. But either way, The WII controller is new and will take sometime to get use too. Just think of EA's Fight Night Game and how people have to move one of the analog sticks to punch. If gamers can get used to that. I sure that the zoom functiion will pose little problems if any at all.

    @ Mason
    I am pretty sure that Ubisoft confirmed it as launch window but a director of Ubi said that he thinks that it will be the next big Ubisoft game on the Wii after the first two ie Rayman and red Steel.

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    I'm really hoping (with the advent of BWii, SMSC announced for online) that Nintendo beefs up the WFC service because I can't see much of a community spirit coming out of only being able to play with people with whom you have traded friend codes for a game like Far Cry. Still, assuming it is rated 16+, all of the paedo fears should be a little bit downplayed, no?

    With graphics like that it should be doing 130 fps >_> Looks shit at the moment...

    Do us a favour a nip to Specsavers.

    A rumor i read said that Nintendo is trying to ditch the Friend codes and that's why it's taking so long but i think that is not true in a way, nintendo would have already gotten enough complaints long before the Wii launch and they would have fixed that by now, if not earlier.
    This game sounds to be a real hit, to tell you the truth, i wasn't really into FPSs until i saw the Wii contols and i am tempted to try it out and i'm beginning to feel like i would really like it.

    Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

    I want traditional FPS control schemes, just using the Wiimote instead of mouse, that would be so good. And maybe you can hold a button to fix the screen so you could move your arm about.

    Marzy said:
    Do us a favour a nip to Specsavers.

    Man, you're the one who needs glasses... Those trees look absolutely apalling.

    And if they change the Red Steel controls to work like a PC (Press a button to 'lift' the mouse up) then I'm not buying it. I hate PC FPSs almost entirely because you have to use the mouse. I want the controls how they are now.

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Why do the tree's look apalling? To me this looks the best graphics Wii game yet. I'll say again, go to Specsavers.

    ( Edited on 07.09.2006 16:14 by Marzy )

    Marzy said:
    Why do the trees look apalling? To me this looks the best graphics Wii game yet. Ill say again, go to Specsavers.( Edited on 07.09.2006 16:14 by Marzy )

    Forget about him Marzy he is a grumpy shite at times.

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    Funnily enough I actually got some new glasses (from specsavers) a few days ago. And I was wearing them when I saw those pics. And yes, they are still rubbish.

    The only way you could possibly think that's the best on the Wii so far is if you havn't seen any other games. Red Steel? Twilight Princess (Even the GC version)? Metroid Prime 3? Mario Galaxy? Sonic Wild Fire? Rayman Raving Rabbids? Excite Truck? Hell even Elebits looks better than that and it's not exactly looking great...

    The only things that look decent in that screen are the water (Which does look pretty nice I'll admit) and maybe the gun... The rest could easily be done using a PS2...

    ( Edited on 07.09.2006 18:31 by Megadanxzero )

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Marzy, those graphics are shite, and please stop regurgitating an optitian's marketing slogans, it does my cynical nut.

    Those graphics are technicaly average Xbox graphics, and the style is just hideous. look at the texturs on your [monster] character's hands!

    Admit it, you're wrong.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    They do look pretty bad and that would be embarrisngly shitt lookingy for a PS2 game, the mountain in the back ground is just a green and brown smudge. I wouldn't think it's anything to worry about though it looks like a really early screen shot and the game is out some time early next year isn't it?

    XBL Gamertag: James2t3

    Well the main character does have animal-esque powers after all, so the hand textures to fill their purpose really. Smilie

    Sure, the graphics aren't perfect, but shit/terrible - hell no, the game still looks pretty good in action, just not up to next-gen standards is all.

    Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

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