Nintendo Wii News | Dragon Quest Swords Delayed?

By John Boyle 06.09.2006 8

Quick News IGN's "Mailbag" feature has commented that proposed Wii launch title Dragon Quest Swords has been "unofficially delayed" and that Square should make the delay official within the coming weeks. This comes after it slipped from the Square's TGS line-up and from many release schedules.

Stick with C3 for confirmation as and when we get it...

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Wouldn't surprise me one little teeny weeny bit. We've seen about 10 seconds of footage maximum, have heard precious FA about the title and basically our knowledge is limited to the title of the game, it seems to be first person and we can swing the remote to attack enemies. I expect to see something more during a trailer reel sometime next week, but I can't see this one coming until early-to-mid 2007. That's fine by me, as the launch is already very strong and is ravaging my wallet, so while delaying is annoying at least there's the chance that it'll be better and I'll actually be able to afford it when it comes out.

We'd better hope Nintendo are already localising it though, because otherwise we won't get it til the end of 2007 knowing Square-Enix...

Not really surprising, Square delay launch game shock! Smilie In other news the sky is blue, today is Wednesday and crocs rule (that ones for you Steve...)!

Guest 06.09.2006#3

Indeed, no suprise, but still a weaker launch in Japan this way.

We had 10 s of footage? I never saw more than a pic and a second of moving pictures...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Seems that quite a few games are rumoured to be delayed at the moment... Not that I was really looking forward to this game, but it lowers the numbers in any case... As long as Fire Emblem doesn't get delayed (When we actually see anything) I'll be happy... Though I hear Intelligent systems' focus is on Super Paper Mario at the moment ;_;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Silly interweb, not posting what I wrote...

Laurelin said:
We had 10 s of footage? I never saw more than a pic and a second of moving pictures...

I'm not sure how many seconds it was, I just meant the bit in the trailer reel at E3. It was 0 - 10 seconds, either way, just that big stone monster being slashed with a sword...

( Edited on 06.09.2006 15:40 by Mason )

I don't thnk that it would be good for Nintendo or SE if Zelda and DQ launch on day one although i know both are differnet type of games i just think it would be better if it was delayed.

Wonder if FFCC will come out before DQS?

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Oh geez...Everything's getting delayed...Sooner or later the launch is going to suck...

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