Industry News | PS3 EU Launch Delayed

By John Boyle 06.09.2006 45

Quick News Sony have announced that the launch of the PS3 in Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, and Australasia has been delayed until March 2007 with the delay in the mass production schedule of the blue laser diode being cited as the main problem. Whether or not this will affect the Wii launch remains to be seen.

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Guest 06.09.2006#1

Only 400.000 for US and 100.000 for Japan=WTF

hehe, the expression "well duh", Everyone knew this way before Sony wanted to admit it.

Shouldnt effect the Wii...the Wii dosnt use blue lazer diodes.
The Wiimotes sensor chip is the only thing that hasnt really been in mass production before.

Of course though, with Sony out of the picture for a bit, Nintendo might not feel the presure so much to release early :-/ <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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If anything, this gives Nintendo the oppertunity to "go for broke". I was listening to a podcast and Kaz Hirai said that there were going to be serious delays but I didn't expect it to be this bad. Delaying the PS3 in Europe is hardluck especially with some once to be exclusive games such as Asassins Creed and DMC 4 being developed for the 360 aswell. All Microsoft needs to do is come Christmas drop the price on their premium package and the Wii60 phenomenom that Peter Moore predicted will be heard the loudest in Europe.
Roll on the Wii. Roll on the Wii60 phenomenom!!

I had a feeling this would happen. Sony have seriously messed up, it was reasonably obvious that they wouldn't be able to get the launch to the scale that they wanted with them employing at least two new and troublesome pieces of technology in its system (Blu-Ray and the Cell processor). It's been building up to this for weeks now, and it would have to be Europe that would be the territory of the three that is the fall guy.

I presume that they've chosen to roll out in America mainly because of Microsoft's rising power with 360. They know that they can't afford to let Microsoft get much more ground and have allocated the biggest amount over there. One problem, Sony - Europe is also getting very happy with 360. The damage they will sustain a little in USA will still continue in Europe for a whole extra five months. The lack of units being given to Japan just prove how arrogant they are, thinking that they have no competition over there due to 360 being a flop. Evidently they think that because Nintendo can beat them at the handheld game, they can't possibly win two battles at once.

Bad news. Wii is, like 360, gaining power, only at the moment it's only in terms of hype. The hype is getting massive though, like a rock picking up momentum as it's going down a hill. Look at Nintendo's share prices, they're going up and up at the moment. It's not just the fact that DS is doing stupidly well, it's because the excitement for the Wii launch is rising. You only have to look at the way Nintendo is being treated in shops in the UK, a place not traditionally known for liking Nintendo in the last decade, to see that they're onto something special at the moment; their stuff is being placed at the front to attract everybody's attention, while Sony is being relegated to further back in the shop. If you want more proof of the rise of Wii, look at messageboards like NeoGAF

Oh dear, silly Sony. No massive suprise, but everyone knows that the March market isn't as lucrative as the November market...and now they are going to be the last to the table in Europe which is a massive territory for gaming now. And with very few units for Japan and the USA they could be in even more trouble than a lot of people were predicting. Basically, Nintendo now have a clean run at the Christmas and Thanksgiving market...

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...


Basically, Nintendo now have a clean run at the Christmas and Thanksgiving market...

And they've given the 360 almost a full year without competition. And this means Nintendo could rush out SSBB to combat the PS3 launch...

Guest 06.09.2006#9

HazukiSan said:
Basically, Nintendo now have a clean run at the Christmas and Thanksgiving market...
And theyve given the 360 almost a full year without competition. And this means Nintendo could rush out SSBB to combat the PS3 launch...

Well, the PS2 was and is still around, so it's not like the Xbox360 had no competition. People still have to choose which game system to get and I don't think they'll make such a difference between the PS2 and the 360, certainly not when looking at the amount of games coming out for each system.

haha sony pwned themslefs

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Mason your comment totally rocked. and I agree with you that Sony were totally stupid for not at least scantily catering for the European Market which is the fastest growing console market in the World. And what about all those people that left

... Smilie Awesome... A little odd that America are getting 4 times the amount Japan are...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I have been saying it for the past 2-3 months now and it came to fruition, although this may seem a little hurtful to sony(and yes it will put them in the back seat) it will help them in the long run, no not to sell units but to gain some ground in the units available joint (although 6 million worlwide by March is not what i call a winnning nunber but it'll do).
And i believe people are looking past the fact that the PS3 is supposed to be for 10 years, which they are expecting to have mastered the production of Cell and the like (and by then they will be getting ready to put themselves in another mess)the price will be low and the units available will be plentiful.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Negatio, you are talking about Nintendo with the 6 million in your comment, no?

Mason, wonderful comment! I agree too, and this may be a chance to for Nintendo to hit the market!
And again: sheer dumb luck! There are (maybe) production shortage of Wiimote and *boom* Sony comes with 'delay PS3 for PAL' and Wiimote is forgotten. So all is well!

Nintendo, hit the christmas this year (And I still don't like Microsoft, but that's another story)!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I guess I should start my campaign.
Final Fantasy XIII for the WII.

This is great for the Nintendo, i just hope that Nintendo don't get complacent and think we are in no rush to get the Wii out, but what i don't get is that the 360 is doing terribly in Europe, 18k a week (PS2 100k, DS 180k) and correct if i am wrong the PS2 has beaten the 360 nearly every month par a few since the 360 has been released in N.America and we don't need to talk about Japan, this console war is only nintendo's to lose.

As for mason, good points made it is stupid that Europe is the fall guy fastest growing market and all but i understand that the 360 is doing the best in America not saying much but they probably should have given Europe shipments instead of Japan.

hazuki San made a good point, the Wii is rumoured to have Mario Galaxy, SSBB (we can include Sonic Wild Fire it sells well in America) and the 360 has Halo 3 around the March period not good for SONY.

( Edited on 06.09.2006 16:45 by Mr.Ashcroft )

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Laurelin said:
Nintendo, hit the christmas this year

lol Smilie lose the "~the" Smilie

But yeah, I agree, if Nintendo can keep on track and not just capitalise on this as a way to say "Hey, lets launch Wii in Q1 07", they will surely reap the rewards.

Also, um,

Parasyte said:
haha sony pwned themslefs

Smilie I can only refer to the "Gamespot Lite" topic.

It's way too early to write something like Mason wrote, but in basics, a lot of PAL users aren't going to import or aren't going to wait for such a console so many will spend their deposit on the Wii or even towards the 360. PS3/Sony really must be thinking, "oh sh*t". now.

Me personally will not leave an amount on the PS3, I am sure I would spend that in the mean time.

( Edited on 06.09.2006 17:36 by Revolution )


Early PS3 games are going to sell like crap and cost a bomb, if I was developing for the PS3, I'd be pissed off.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

How many developers are relying on PS3 revenue this year to avoid going under? Not good at all. Smilie

This affects a lot more than just Sony and their PS3.

Laurelin said:
Negatio, you are talking about Nintendo with the 6 million in your comment, no?

I was actualy talking about Sony, they said they were going to release 6 million by March (which i dont believe).

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Yay Christmas of 2006 can all be about the Wii. Nintendo must be dancing on their seats. So much for the definite laucnh everywhere from Sony. Losing faith in them rapidly. This was expected and they couldn't admit straight away that they would not make the launch date.

I hope the Wii does amazing this Christmas. Smilie


Der SegaHund

Is right about the launch games for the ps3 not being able to sell well. A lot of developers wii be losing alot of money. The high cost of developing for the ps3 plus the fact that most number of units a game can sell is 500,000, if the game is popular in North America and Japan, equals low to negative profit returns for developers.

Nintendo announce march lineup for DS and Wii.
Final Fantasy III
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Brother Brawl
Animal Crossing

This lineup could put a dent in sony's invincible PS3. Plus to Halo 3 and GTA IV on the 360. Talking about that does that mean that multi-format titles for that were suposed to be released on ps3 and 360 on launch will become x-box exlusives for 5 months now???

OUCH! Okay, the European delay has been suspected for a long time, but ONLY 100K for Japan!?

It's all falling to pieces for Sony. Good luck to them, they're going to need it!

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