By Adam Riley 01.09.2006
Although cheating is for loosers, some third party products do make these games console that little bit more interesting.
Lol, cheating is good sometimes - I like the debug modes you can unlock, and random other hidden stuff that wasn't supposed to be included in games
That wifi max thing did look interesting but the review on Amazon by customers said that some of them has a nightmarish time getting it to work and others couldn't get it to work. However those that did manage it, said ti workwed well mostly apart from it cutting out every now and then.
I would probably want the Ninty Adaptor but it is just too expensive for what it is.
Freeloader is brilliant, almost as good as my Xeno GC modchip.
I bought an Action Replay DS about 3 weeks ago. It uses this method where you save the url, then when you run the AR DS Download Manager it downloads the latest codes from that site. At the moment there are only Codejunkies codes available and they are mostly cheats. Until another website begins to make codes, then we won't be seeing any codes as good as the SSBM Debug code.
Brilliant! I always usally get an Action Rewplay for my consoles and ill be adding this beast to them. I only cheat if I get stuck on certian bit on a game and I use it for fun sometimes.
Max Media Launcher sucks. Apparently. It doesn't come with any software, you have to find your own homebrew media player for it to work. Might as well just buy an M3...
A tool supposedly used by the developers to test out the game for errors etc. Therefore, you can access nearly everything and set all the rules to what you want them to be. For example, you can play a VS match on a Target Test test as Giga Bowser or Master Hand etc.
It's one of the better examples of what Datel and Action Replay can do.
Personally, the way I "cheat" using the likes of action replay and savegame editors had more to do with breathing in a new life into a spent game.
It's a nice way to enjoy the game again. The first time, you exhaust it by playing properly, then you can enjoy it all over again when you insert action replay.
Awesome stuff, except for the actual interview - kinda repetitive... "we'll see", nice :p
I used to have some cheap 3rd party imitation for me N64, but that screwed up and I never cheated again
( Edited on 01.09.2006 20:43 by jb )
jb said:
Lol, cheating is good sometimes - I like the debug modes you can unlock, and random other hidden stuff that wasnt supposed to be included in games
Yer I used the cheat to get to the island on Goldeneye it was ace!
Isn't backward's engineering illigal?
I can't wait for the trainer tool that is coming out, which lets you make your own codes on the DS!
I'll buy the AR DS if I can find it, although I don't know how I'll be able to get more codes for it since there aren't any on the CodeJunkies site....
I always have an AR for my consoles, it's an essential, I don't use it for cheating, I use it for fun glitches, & I don't use it until I've completed the game at least once!!
But you can unlock a great debug mode on SSBM, & loads of cool looking skins & stuff on various games. It's all good. So I wonder what kinda stuff i could get for my DS games?
The AR DS codes aren't available on Codejunkies just yet. They seem to want people to download the latest full updates in one batch. Not sure why, but hey it's no major problem...just check out the update every week or so for the latest codes.