Industry | Cheaper Third Party Games

By Adam Riley 21.05.2003 1

Lower Royalty Fees
Cheaper games all-round...

By announcing late last year that it would be reducing the fees that Third Parties are charged for producing games on its systems to be more in-line with that of Microsoft and Sony, Nintendo has made it that these developers can actually launch brand new titles for a slightly reduced price. Therefore the following list of titles will be released in the US over the coming months for a more pocket-friendly $39.99, as opposed to the usual RRP of $49.99:

  • Mega Man Network Transmission
  • Speed Kings
  • Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
  • Sonic Adventure DX
  • Top Angler
  • XGRA Racing
  • Micro Mayhem
  • The Italian Job
  • Powerpuff Girls
  • Product Number 3
  • World Championship Pool
  • Billy Hatcher & The Giant Egg
  • Viewtiful Joe
  • Armada 2: Star Command
  • Wallace & Grommit: Project Zoo
  • Jacked
  • MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch
  • Haunted Mansion
  • Auto Modellista: US Edition
  • Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde
  • Urban Frestyle Soccer
  • Mission Impossible 2: Operation Surma
  • Although there may be several titles amongst that list that nobody would probably look at even if they were free (*cough*Top Angler*cough*), there are still plenty of quality-ridden games worthy of your readies, such as Billy Hatcher from Sega, Viewtiful Joe and P.N.03 from Capcom as well as the eagerly-awaited Hitman 2: Silent Assassin port. With this new price-tag, it would be wise to assume that with the proper marketing, these titles will literally be flying off the shop shelves when they hit retail. Things just got a little bit more interesting...Keep it here for any further developments!


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