Nintendo Rumour | Final Fantasy XIII Tactics on DS?

By Adam Riley 01.09.2006 15

Quick News - A rumour to come out of the is that in Autumn of this year Square Enix will announce a DS strategy RPG based on Final Fantasy XIII. Could this be a big Tokyo Games Show surprise?

Stick with Cubed3 to find out...

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This will be cool!

I loved Final Fantasy Tactics on the GBA, if this turns out to be true and if the game will be somehow similar to FFTA I'd love it!

There has been alot of rumours that have linked the DS to a FFTactics game.

More Square Enix love for Nintendo

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

It's cool and all, but do we have a source for this rumour? Anyone could start a rumour like this...

I don't think this is likely really. I could see a FF tactics at some point but they announced all the different games that were in the FF XIII range.


crazylurch said:
I dont think this is likely really. I could see a FF tactics at some point but they announced all the different games that were in the FF XIII range.

Indeed, but that was before the outstanding 500k FFIII copies sold in the first week (90% sell-through rate, never reached for a FF game). Maybe SE was just setting things up and waiting for the public response to the game to announce something else.
To date, DSL in 6 months has surpassed PSP LTD number. 4 million is FREAKING HUGE in such a short timespan, especially for the WORST time of the year for game sales.
Establishing the big franchises on the DS has just begun, not only for first party titles but for third parties as well, they have proof they can sell, despite most people stated otherwise, and they can sell even better than expeted.
I think we'll have some nice announcements before the end of 2006.
Juuuuust wait and seeeee! Smilie (Kazenone english version, FF:CC OST).

That would be pretty darn cool, although i'd rather it was original than this whole polymorphic program that square enix has got going.
But if it plays well I'm all for it Smilie

crazylurch said:
I dont think this is likely really. I could see a FF tactics at some point but they announced all the different games that were in the FF XIII range.

Anoop Gantaya of IGN said:
If the promise of three separate games in the Final Fantasy XIII universe wasn't enough, we've got some good news for you. Square Enix plans on taking the Fabula Nova Crystallis project beyond the three titles that were announced at E3.


PLEASE! o.0;

If it sells more than the OS3 version of FFXIII, then we may get it on Wii too! Smilie

EDIT: I wouldn't buy it, since strategy really isn't me, but I bet that tons of other people around the world would love it. Besides, even if FFIII sells more than XIII we're likely to see more Square love Smilie

( Edited on 01.09.2006 20:47 by Sought The Poltercow )

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More Square love can only be a good thing! Smilie

A lot of promising stuff coming from them.


A sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics would have been better but if this is true then HELL YEAH!!! The GBA one was fucking great!

Strategy was made for the DS (or is it the other way round?:sarcySmilie

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

The people that think the FFXIII project is only three-strong (two PS3 and one mobile, iirc), you're not updated on the latest the project is something like six or seven games.

Many predicted a spin-off would come to the DS (which appears to be true now) and another to the Wii in the future.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

It seems we can call this series anything but 'final'
Other than the amount of games XIII will spawn how much of any of them do we know anything about, cause I'm struggling to find anything other than 'looks really good' for both XIII and Versus Smilie

Yeah, I always wondered why it was called Final Fantasy.

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