Quick News - It has been confirmed that Ubisoft is working on a DS version of The Two Thrones, currently listed under that game's working title of 'Rival Blades'. Thankfully it will not be another card battling title!
Stay tuned for more updates...
By Adam Riley 29.08.2006
Quick News - It has been confirmed that Ubisoft is working on a DS version of The Two Thrones, currently listed under that game's working title of 'Rival Blades'. Thankfully it will not be another card battling title!
Stay tuned for more updates...
bugger, I was hoping for a screenshot. It's not easy for me to imagine how Ubisoft manages to get the feeling onto the DS. It has a small screen after all and you need to check the surroundings with these games and watch where you springthe next trap... *g*
Laurelin said:
bugger, I was hoping for a screenshot. Its not easy for me to imagine how Ubisoft manages to get the feeling onto the DS. It has a small screen after all and you need to check the surroundings with these games and watch where you springthe next trap... *g*
Check the surroundings on the second screen. They could combine both screens to make one big playfield or sometihng...
Anyways, I'm just glad it isn't gonna be another crappy card-based game, I hate card-based games
Word... Card games bore the hell out of me... I assume it'll be 2D because I can't imagine PoP working in 3D on such a small screen. That's not that bad I suppose. The GBA Sands of Time game was pretty good
Anyways, I'm just glad it isn't gonna be another crappy card-based game, I hate card-based games
The DS would well suit a spectacular 2D game.
Like Sonic rush, or TNM...have 3D charecters on a 2D landscape.
Have time manipulation.
Have all the wall running action youd expect.
Just dont try to crame it in or change game style.
Also, why Two Thrones?
PoP:TT ended the story in a wonderfull, wonderfull way.
Why give people an excuse to miss that ending?
Better to have a game set after SoT, but before WW imo.
(how did he get that amulet again?)
I can't really see Prince Perisa working on the DS but i suppose i would have said that about a 3d metroid game on the DS
Yeah, we've had 3D Metroid and we've all seen how much Square Enix (FF, Chocobo, DQ), Namco (Tales of the Tempest) and Nintendo (Zelda) can push the DS hardware. It's about time Ubisoft tries to as well!
I assume they'll do the Ultimate Spiderman thing & make it a 2D on 3D side scroller with the (sort of) same storyline...
I'll be very interested to see how it turns out, & if it DOES turn out full 3D, then it definitely warrents a purchase!
Are you getting UboSoft mixed up with Activision?