Issue 132 | The Hound: R.I.P Nintendo GameCube

By Harold Cuthbert Hound 28.08.2006 21

James Temperton :: Issue 132 :: 28th August 2006

Industry analysis with added bite.

The GameCube's life is very nearly over and in a few weeks time we'll know all the details regarding the Nintendo Wii; when it will launch, for how much, with what games and then of course we will see how well it sells. But let us not forget the GameCube, the most cubic and handbag like of all gaming consoles. The home to many classic games and fond memories for millions all over the world. Recently, I've been scooting through my GameCube collection to play some of the gems that have been gathering dust on my shelf. Who could resist the wonders of Wave Race?

When I picked up a GameCube on launch day I got copies of Super Monkey Ball, Luigi's Mansion and Wave Race: Blue Storm, like many I managed to avoid the pile of crap that made up the rest of the launch list, to refresh your memories:

Star Wars Rogue Leader Rogue Squadron II (LucasArts)
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Sega) Exclusive
ISS2 (Konami)
ESPN Winter Sports (Konami)
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 (Activision)
Spiderman (Activision)
Tarzan Untamed (Ubi Soft)
Batman Vengeance (Ubi Soft)
Donald Duck Quack Attack (Ubi Soft)
Crazy Taxi (Acclaim)
Burnout (Acclaim)
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (Acclaim)
NHL Hitz (Midway)
Gauntlet Dark Legacy (Midway)
Universal Studios (Kemco)
Batman (Kemco)
Tetris World (THQ)
2002 FIFA World Cup (EA SPORTS)

Out of that lot, Star Wars Rogue Leader Rogue Squadron II and Burnout were very good games, everything else pretty much stank. From the average to the terrible, the GameCube did have a lot of launch titles, but nothing to make your purse-strings run away crying due to the expense. But the gems that did launch with the system really are sublime. Cracking open Wave Race: Blue Storm for the first time in years was a stroke of genius, even if I do say so myself. Put simply, the game still looks stunning and is still one of the best titles the system has to offer. It is stupidly difficult, requires a huge amount of skill and the water effects are some of the best ever seen in a videogame. For a title that is now over 4 years old it still looks and plays fantastically.

And let us not forget Luigi's Mansion, one of my favourite titles to appear on the GameCube. Wonderfully funny, it portrays one of the best main character's to hit the system and does it all in what is essentially a glorified technical demo. The gameplay is superb, the idea is even better and the whole game is brilliant. I had great fun picking it up and giving it another run through just to take on some of the bosses again.

But out of all the launch titles and most of the titles on the GameCube since, I don't think anything sums up what gaming is about more than Super Monkey Ball. Sure, the series might have lost its way a bit in the meantime, but the original GameCube classic is one of the most ingenious titles I have ever played. Sure, it steals an idea or two from Marble Madness, but putting simians in spheres is a stroke of genius yet to be bettered in the gaming industry. Those of you out there that have completed this game, my hat goes off to you. I have spent literally hours on some of the stages and I can proudly say I have gotten through every sodding level of the bastard.

So where did the GameCube go wrong? Well, look at the launch list, not much worth buying, is there? And then look at all the games in your collection, how many of them are published by Nintendo or developed by a second party Nintendo company? And further to that, the ones that don't have anything to do with Nintendo, how many of them are good? Put simply, the games dried up too fast, the interest dried up too fast and everyone ignored it after a while. Not clever.

But I still love my GameCube, the way it beeps when it boots up, it squeaks and clicks and scratches away like a little rodent as it loads game content and of course the satanic noise of monkeys and laughter when you hold down the Z-Button at start up. It represents a type of gaming that is unique and less loud and proud than the XBOX and the PS2. Admittedly this is why it didn't sell very well, but there is a lot to be said for the great games on Nintendo's little box of joy. It is just so nicely put together, so understated, so simplistic and I think this is why I like it so much. The menu for example, the little pictures on the memory card screen, the 'gameplay' screen with the little game description and dancing lettering of 'Press Start' that spins out and disappears when you do as your told. It is the little things that make the big difference.

And let us not forget David Gosen, the man who made the GameCube what it is in Europe today; a failure. Who could not love the man who triumphantly prophesised: "Quite simply, the Nintendo GameCube will be the first dedicated games console with such an impressive profile of games to hit the market. From titles, like Luigi's Mansion and Pikmin to Star Wars Rogue Leader Rogue Squadron II and ISS2, Nintendo will be delivering the largest line-up of games of any platform at launch. The GameCube delivers great gameplay for all players, all ages and all genres - all at a winning price. Without a doubt, 2002 will be the year of the Cube."

Balls David.

"GameCube will not be targeting kids, will not be targeting teens and will not be targeting adults. GameCube will appeal to anyone who enjoys being entertained by interactive gaming. We believe gaming is an attitude - not an age. With family-friendly, sports, racing, adventure, extreme sports, and action games available from day one, GameCube is dedicated to good gameplay."

David Gosen is now employed as a comedian on the south coast of England, his one-man stand up show will be touring again later this year. I think the tedious, robotic and often quite amusing words of Gosen highlight one thing about the GameCube; it never had a direction. Who remembers the very odd adverts for the GameCube's launch here in Europe? Strange looking moody people wearing lots of make-up and lots of cubes spinning about with GameCube game footage playing in them. Bit crap really. Then all of a sudden that identity was dropped and in came another slogan, another image, another direction and another failure. The GameCube tried to appeal to everyone and in the end appealed to few. It wasn't original enough to stand out, it wasn't loud enough to be heard and rather fittingly, just like good old Dave, it is about to be swept under the carpet and replaced by something better.

God bless that little handbag.

Hound: "One Man and his dog went to a meadow, the dog got bored, ran back home and became a journo."

>> Hound Archive: Do the timewarp on previous issues of this column.

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Nice oneSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Lack of advertising.
Lack of GOOD ads.
Lack of direction.
Lack of brand identity and strategy (despite that fantastic logo).

This is what killed Cube.

Yet Sony killed the SAPS campaign for PS1, and look what happened when TBWA started the symbols campaign. Nintendo never gave it a chance. I hope that Leo Burnett can change for the Wii.

See no Wiivil
Hear no Wiivil
Speak no Wiivil

Nice one, Mr. T. I haven't played my Cube in a long, long time. Lack of releases = lack of excitement and lack of excitement = me neglecting it for something which has something going for it.

Seemed like they tried to do what there doing with the wii and DS by appealing to everyone but didn't have a clue about how to do it.

Hey, in europe if you can't copy games and chip your console, AND play copied DVDs, then you're a bit fucked.

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

I just chipped mine.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Mehh Wave race looked shit then, and even worse now. Maybe it was down to the piss poor PAL frame rate, but I really didnt think it looked good at all from a technical point of view.
The only good part was the water effects on the loading screen.

I think the fact the GC was purple was a big downside for most people.

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

I still like my Cube and it's only recently ive been playing it agian. It's great to play some of the classics like Wind Waker, Wave Race, Jungle Beat and Wario Ware. Although I had'nt played on it in about half a year I felt that I would have a go and go back to some games.

TBH, I think it was nintendo's lack of superb titles, yes it did have some good nintendo-made games but Capcaom ruled that generation.

Der SegaHund said:
I just chipped mine.

The PS2 could play DVDs from the get go so copies got spread around, and then people cracked it and could get it chipped for relatively low prices.

While you could get your GC chipped for a low price, it meant diddly squat to people who just wanted to watch free porn and play footie in their bedroom.

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

Yeah, when I posted that I hadn't actualy read any comments. Bit of a weird coinsidence that you were talking about chipping.

The lack of a DVD player was by far the biggest reason it failed. All my mates bought PS2s so that they could have a DVD player in their bedroom.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I need to rebuy Wave Race and Luigis Mansion

The article was a mazingly(not a typo) good, i hope you can work up one like this for the Wii and possibly other systems.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Good article.
I still have lots of fun with my Cube, but yes, I hate to say it, it will be offically dead after TP releases. Still, i loved it tho, and still do, but when I look at my collection and notice that m os tof it consists of sports titles that you can get on any system, you can;t help to be a bit dissapointed. Really not upset about no DVD player though. I have my laptop for DVDs.Smilie

My name is F.O.R.M. "Fan of rock music"
I am a proud American.
No were never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy!
As stated in the songs Crazy by Seal and Thirteen By Mushroomhead.

My Runescape stats.

Frazzle.d said:
Hey, in europe if you cant copy games and chip your console, AND play copied DVDs, then youre a bit fucked.

In a nutshell.

I wouldn't say the CUBE failed in could have done alot better, people tend to say the Xbox and the PS2 were the successful consoles of this generation when the CUBE sold 21.5m and the Xbox 23m. 1.5m is nothing between consoles now an 80million gap is a big gap, if anything the Xbox failed, $4b lost and Nintendo profited from the CUBE , something MS could only wish for, now the definition of a failed console is the Dreamcast something like 1m units in Europe.

James said:
I need to rebuy Wave Race and Luigis Mansion

You must, just completed Liugi's Mansion for the 4th time the other day the most fun game on the GameCube

Tin Can Man said:
I think the fact the GC was purple was a big downside for most people.

That didn't particluarly help either

( Edited on 29.08.2006 01:39 by Mr.Ashcroft )

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Luigis Mansion is awful. just awful.

on another note i only recentley found out that MLG plays two games: Smash Bros and Halo 2. Smash is way more glitchy button tricks focussed though.

You missed out Primal Fury : Bloody Roar from that list. I'm recently playing my Legend of Zelda collection as I'm trying to finish all my Gamecube games so that I have no distractions when playing the Wii.
Another great article J.T. Let's just hope that Nintnedo have listened and truly learned from some of the utterly stupid mistakes and blatantly bad decisions that they have made concerning two of their best consolesso far, N64 and GC respectively

I love my Gamecube. As you can see on my gameslist, I own a lot of games. I do not buy cracked games, too. But I haven't finished a lot of these games. Thank god there were so few coming out on GCN, because I'm a huge fan of Zone Of The Enders and JRPG, so I would have ruined myself, I think, buying a PS2.

I think Wave Race is not my game, because no sports-game is, but Rogue Leader is in my opinion one of the best Cube-games ever - and look at the graphics. Factor5 rules - at least it did some time ago *turning on Turrican2-Soundtrack*

oh: And I still play my console regularly, escpecially these days when hot for Wii (Oh, I hope no one misinterpretes this phrase...?!)

( Edited on 29.08.2006 12:31 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Isn't it a bit early for GC memorial service? there are still plenty of releases left, incl Zelda, Baten Kaitos 2, Harvest Moon, Lego Star Wars 2.. I'm not finished with my GC yet, not by a long way..! I haven't quite finished Killer7, Batallion Wars, Fire Emblem and a few others... ahh, the price of having too many games. when is the 48-hour day going to be introduced? i love my GC ( i should say GCs as i have three ) and it AINT DEAD YET!

It is pretty much dead zelda is basically a wii game now thats were all the hype is going, Baten kaitos is a game no one cares about , same with harvest moon and lego star wars is multiformate.

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