
By James Temperton 28.08.2006 6

First up, we asked Brooke about the possibility of the game being in development on the Wii. His answer seems to confirm it, but like us you'll have to 'put two-and-two together'.

JT: Yeah, so, combining two questions into one: you seem to be hinting, quite strongly, that the game will probably appear on the Nintendo Wii. But just how far along is the game development and would you like to confirm it is on the Wii or not?

BB: I can't confirm much. The reason is I'm under a series of NDAs, which will tell you something! *Pause

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*lol* I like this Interview. it's so wonderfully un-I-am-important-and-company-things-matter-most-ish...

Must check the podcast right away!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Tis a nudge nudge wink wink say no more interview!!! Smilie


Sounding more and more awesome by the second... Maybe I should actually watch the series...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Yeah, you really should check out the series, it is seriously good stuff. Let us know what you think of the audio interview too, feedback is always swanky Smilie

( Edited on 28.08.2006 15:22 by Mr. T )

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Woah! I really like the idea of the DS being an interactive comic book for parts of the Wii BS game (which, in all honesty, MUST be coming).

I'm watching out for this Smilie

Awesome stuff, would be great for Nintendo with there being a lot of BS fans out there!

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