Nintendo News | No 3rd Party Online Wii Until 2007

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.08.2006 31

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A very bad move. Why do that?? FPS's are not going to be appealing to me unless they have the online support otherwise the fun won't last anywhere near as long. I want to know why Nintendo is refusing to release the connection libraries.


This is ridiculess. Looks like Nintendo will be 3rd in the console market agian.

This is a bad move. Nintendo Wii is Wi-Fi ready from the start, so I don't see why it shouldn't go online from the beginning.

Nintendo can really use the "Free Online gaming - no subscription fees" aspect of the Wii to really attract gamers. Hopefully there'll be some form of online service from day one.

At least Nintendo will be giving third parties the chance to go online. The DS went online a little late, and is still very sucessful - so you never know!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

WHY on Earth Nintendo won't give online libraries to developers???
ok, they just shoot in their feet. Morons.


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

What fuck wits! What sons of a bitches! Why would they do that?

Remember when you guys were complaining about the lack of online play for the up coming Marvel Ultimate Allaince for Wii, I mentioned that NInty hasn't divulge enough information to 3rd Parties regarding WiiConnect 24 and Nintendo WIFI and that you'll not likely to see 3rd party online support until 2007.
Well there's a rumour going around that it's possibly due to the fact that they're still in the process of constructing a unified online service, much like XBox Live and have decided to ditch those annoying friends codes used by the DS for online play.
In any case that better be the excuse and they had better have a good explaination for it not to mention tonnes of online info for us come TGS.
Although any fans holding out for online 3rd party support for Wii should expect it to start trickling in late Q1/Q2 of 2007 at the earliest.
Anyway peeps Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles 2 (working title) will feature online play and should be realised Q2 of 2007.

They can still give them a lite version of the Wi-Fi service, to use until the proper one comes in. Just liek the DS wi-fi, just as temporary thing.

Well there's a rumour going around that it's possibly due to the fact that they're still in the process of constructing a unified online service, much like XBox Live and have decided to ditch those annoying friends codes used by the DS for online play.

That's a very good rumour, I really hope they do that! Hopefully, they'll use nametags/usernames instead of numbers - numbers are so much harder to memorise, and really doesn't go with the "simplicity" of the console.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Could this be another reason to wait a bit after the launch of Wii to see if it is the console we had all hoped and dreamed for?

Lots of ifs are coming up which is worrying. September 14th better bring some damn concrete stuff to put us all at ease.


Not to mention isn't so personalised!

It's pobably so they can lunch the service with a big game to promote the servic. Kinda like what they did with the DS.

It is a stupid move but if they are trying to create a servie similir to Xbox live i won't be complaining, as for Blade maybe they delayed MpCorruption so that they could give it an online mode and promote it as the first game on the Wii to use NWFC like they did with the DS & MK

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

this evil Nintendo-news is sounding strange. Nintendo is gone good, remember? *shrugs*
So, why to do that? Because to avoid leaks and infos form 3rd parties? That is for me a good-sounding reason, but it is not good to do so.

But remember: Nintendo has been stolen upon so many times from M$ and Sony, that they even put their onlinegaming, price and controller behind closed doors. I think with that innovative demand they put upon themselves, it is vital to hide these things, as it will be no doubt copied and the property will be stolen (it has not to be, but may be!).

It is a bit strange not providing 3rd party with a single one bit of online-mode, maybe a temporal one as stated here. But that would mean to leave this online-mode in place for the whole lifetime of Wii. Once ready, always needed. Remember, they can not provide patches for a new online-support...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

What's wrong with leaks with the Wi-Fi service? I guarrantee you that they do not have some super cool onine server or some super inovatative online system, there is nothing to steal.

SO IT SEEMS THE REASON WHY COD3 IS DELAYED TILL 2007 could mean that Activision may still consider online play. Nintendo is the one thats holding 3RD party developers from going online. This maybe a terrible move on Nintendo party or they are taking the time to fully test their online capabilities. What do you guys thing????

I don't see the big deal. I'd rather have Nintendo iron out any potential problems with the launch and concentrate on there 1st/2nd party online play to begin with. Has everyone here forgot the difficulties of the 360? A few months for 3rd party games online isnt that much of an inconvience.

I for one will get COD3 when it comes out. If i can wait this long for Zelda, i can wait for that!

Yes, that's right. Although I spread my friends all around the country and Onlineplay would be good, I buy a Wii anyway and do not suffer... First there is Zelda and some launch-titles played offline.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Actually they have not completed a standardized online service and a few deals with BT, right now i dont really care about online, i can always enjoy my multiplayer games without online so this is not a problem for me.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

that sucks. they piss me off

Another feature that we are forgetting is Wii connect 24 and how this feature will be used. For instance if a developer wants to add extra content to a game what will be the size limit, 16 mb, 32 mb, or
64 mb? Will a usb hard-drive be needed if Activision wants to add mutiplayer support to Call of Duty at a later date or maps. Furthermore will players be allowed to exchange player created maps or other items using Wii connect 24 or other online services? Nintendo probably has a lot of work that they have to do to get their online features ready. Especially with the mysterious virtual console add in to the mix.

I am worried for the Wii. I love Nintendo, I love their vision, and I still want a Wii and have high hopes for it, but I am getting worried now.
Whether you love online play or not, the lack of online hurt the GC quite a bit. If online support isn't fully adopted by 3rd party devs than I really fear that the Wii will take the same position the GC took last generation. I don't want to see the Wii get reduced to the status GC had.

I thought Red Steel was online? Maybe I was just imagining it... To be honest there aren't many 3rd party launch games that I would want online, but it's still incredibly stupid...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

LMAO at Cod and Activision too. why moan the loss of usability of a second-rate franchise?

What? Why? Surely this has to be some sort of mistake? This doesn't sound like a good idea at all and Nintendo isn't stupid. They've recently announced that they'll be leveraging Wii's online functionality to the hilt from the get go. I'm sure there's a legitamate explanation for this. Possibly restructuring their online service? I gotta know.

This news doesn't spell doom & gloom for Wii though, guys.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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