Nintendo Media | Red Steel Environment Screenshots

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.08.2006 26

One of the Wii's biggest upcoming launch titles, Ubisoft's Red Steel, has been constantly changed and refined by the developer. A selection of fresh new screens have been released, illustrating some of the environments and locations players will visit later this year. Gaming website News0r scored some exclusive media of the game, from the highly detail interior environments to the jaw dropping outside areas with some very nice attention to detail.

The recently released trailer is also available to download directly from Ubisoft here.

Red Steel is the clich

Box art for Red Steel





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (138 Votes)

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These screens are sure looking pretty sweet! I'm getting excited - the more recent stuff sure is looking good!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

These screens are ace. Textures are looking very nice in it too. Looks like the Wii certainly can hold its own. I don't particularly need graphics better than that.

I think I am still most impressed by Mario Galaxy though. Some amazing lighting and textures in that. Red Steel certainly is getting more appealing though. Smilie


Oooo very nice. Ubi can do wonders with the Wii! There is some really good lighting.

Red steel looks great. Most of the other third party games look like Gamecube Graphics but this one shows them up.

Still its not about the visuals its about how it plays.

Marzy said:
Red steel looks great. Most of the other third party games look like Gamecube Graphics but this one shows them up.Still its not about the visuals its about how it plays.

Agreed, does seem to play pretty well - I'm loving the little attention to detail in the environment!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Everything looks very nice, I loved how you could see the reflection of the plant on the floor in that one area. They have definately worked very hard.

If Wii can pump out graphics this good, most consumers and even developers alike may start to question the need for HD intensity in next gen games. Especially when 16:9 480p looks pretty sweet on a high def TV screen.....! Well done Ubisoft, lets just hope that it plays as good as it looks. Cubed3.....we expected a thorough review of this game when it becomes available Smilie

I just spent a good few hours playing Star Wars Rebel Strike on the GameCube.... and that game simply knocks the socks of anything else availible for current gen consoles in the graphics department.

Thinking about it, you'd be insane to say that Wii has "poor graphics" when you consider that the GC was phenomenal and Wii's graphics chip has been named an extreme version of the GC's one...

Wii's going to have kickass graphics, so forget about this "omg xbox graphics" shit that fools are saying.

The pure quality that we've seen graphically from Rayman Raving Rabbids is just brilliant. And Red Steel looks better everytime I see it. Absolutley no way Wii is underpowered in my oppinon.

( Edited on 24.08.2006 18:28 by f | j | D )

Saw these a bit earlier... Looking hella good

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Good Lord! These screens are gorgeous! Fantastic.

f | j | D said:
I just spent a good few hours playing Star Wars Rebel Strike on the GameCube.... and that game simply knocks the socks of anything else availible for current gen consoles in the graphics department.Thinking about it, youd be insane to say that Wii has poor graphics when you consider that the GC was phenomenal and Wiis graphics chip has been named an extreme version of the GCs one...Wiis going to have kickass graphics, so forget about this omg xbox graphics shit that fools are saying. The pure quality that weve seen graphically from Rayman Raving Rabbids is just brilliant. And Red Steel looks better everytime I see it. Absolutley no way Wii is underpowered in my oppinon.( Edited on 24.08.2006 18:28 by f | j | D )

Here, here. Wii will definately deliver some drop dead gorgeous games. Rebel Strike is a stellar game too, IMHO. I LOVED it, lol. My favorite of the three. Incredible graphics as well. Oh LucasArts... Rogue Squadron IV for Wii please? PLEASE!!Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Image for

Oh look!! The Wii can do HD!!! Wait...that's not HD?Smilie

I think I can cope with this.


TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Of course, we'll have to factor in the fact that it's basically a commercial, and not actual live footage of anyone real playing it, for all we know, it's still shit...


Wow, it looks good, don't it! Smilie

What's a commercial?Smilie

tiamat1990 said:
Whats a commercial?Smilie

An ad...

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

This looks great. This game keeps getting better and better.

The trailer is very good but very very funny. I think these actors that they are getting to use the controls are so funny. They go completly over the top with the controls and have ultra serious looks on their faces. I hope the feature whereby if you get covered in water in the game you don't get covered in real life!! (kidding but was very amusing to see).

Although it was a new trailer they went through the same run through again which was a bit disappointing. I hope there are different environments to play in.


What's a commercial?

Smilie Are you serious?

IGN have uploaded more vids of the game in action. Really doesn't look as clean as these screens, hoping it's an old build - looks like the E3 one they're playing.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Geez I hate it when developers doctor screen shots, that at least nintendo does not do. Maybe they were low rez screens and videos?

Z said:
Geez I hate it when developers doctor screen shots, that at least nintendo does not do. Maybe they were low rez screens and videos?

Well, the videos on aren't high-res, and they're off-screen, soSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Sweet, problem solved.Smilie

Yeah I remember the screens that came out before Killzone did on the PS2 and it looked better than Halo but then ofcourse when the game came out the graphics weren't anyway near as good. I hope this doesn't happen much on the Nintendo. I guess it would mainly be third party developers that would do it.


I really do wish they would show some different in-game footage instead of the same part where you climb to the roof and fight the guy with your sword. Different lvl would be nice!!!

But as far as the screens go... very nice. I really cannot wait to get my hands on this game.

I hope the different stages have their own feel to them. Be gutted if they have created something that becomes repetitive in the same environment in each stage. Some suburban stuff would be good.


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