Nintendo News | Wii for Less than 250 Euros

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.08.2006 20

Nintendo have kept tight lipped about their pricing and release dates for the Wii, continually stating that the price point has yet to be finalised and will be fully revealed in September. However, rumblings from the Games Convention this week have put a "less than

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according to google,
250 Euros = 321.17500 U.S. dollars

Hasn't Nintendo already said it will be under $250 US?

fmorel90 said:
according to google,250 Euros = 321.17500 U.S. dollarsHasnt Nintendo already said it will be under $250 US?

Indeedy - however, prices vary a lot between regions.

A good example IGN posted was that Xbox 360 Core System goes for 299

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

There's always taxes...That's why the PS3 is going to be $1300 here instead of being $1000Smilie.

Those Sony fanboys aren't going to be seeing any movies or going out for a while.

Tiamat... Ahmmm, are you in Australia? Incase you haven't noticed, the price is confirmed for the PS3 in Australia at $995 (or $5 less or $4 more depending where you shop)... If you're thinking it's going to be $1300 AUD then go back to that rock you have been living under. If you're in NZ, then I am sorry but Sony have never said that it would be $1000 NZD.

As for Pre-Orders of the Wii in Australia, stores like EB's and other game stores are accepting the amounts between $400 and $500 AUD. I even asked an EB lady about it not going over $250 USD and she said... "Well that's not what I have heard" and never gave any more information than that. I hope the price will be around $350 AUD but after what I have heard, I am really expecting it to be $400+ in Australia.

( Edited on 24.08.2006 08:45 by Revolution )

( Edited on 24.08.2006 08:59 by Revolution )


It's 'euro', not 'euros', Mr. Fakesh.
Ah, these dumb Germans. Always faulting on grammar! Smilie

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Oh Laurelin, OMG you just super. Picking on one little ' must make you feel ultra superb. The master of video games, the master of college, the master of the German language.

Well my hands are together for you, unfortunately they aren't going to separated for a clap, they are going to stay together to pray for you.

( Edited on 24.08.2006 09:51 by Revolution )


Laurelin said:
Its euro, not euros, Mr. Fakesh.Ah, these dumb Germans. Always faulting on grammar! Smilie

That is quite sad to be honest. Yes there is a European directive to have the single words spoken across the European Union but it is mainly for business between different languages and formal matters. Saying euros and cents is perfectly acceptable in English as it is a colloquialism. It is also in the dictionary.

So that clever remark wasn't that clever really. Smilie


It better be under 250 euro's, seeing I only paid 220 euro's for my Gamecube!

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I'm guessing

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
Im guessing


crazylurch said:
So that clever remark wasnt that clever really. Smilie

Damn! Smilie
Oh, the heck... I'm German too, so I am free to rant about them, am I not? Smilie

Shinji_Zooka said:
It better be under 250 euros, seeing I only paid 220 euros for my Gamecube!

Yeah, so did I. And it was the package with Metroid Prime 1 - and that was a good buy, since it is almost my dearest game. But heck, I can't defeat Ridley! *sigh* Anyone has any idea? PM me if you have one, please. I am not able to blow the last power-rocket into his mouth, it doesn't stay open long enough to do so...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Damn! This is a smilie
Oh, the heck... I'm German too, so I am free to rant about them, am I not? This is a smilie

Feel free to rant about anything just someone may correct you from time to time. I have been corrected about umpteen times now. Tis funny though each time. Like me talking about Twilight Princess and everyone else ws talking about Phantom Hourglass. Smilie


crazylurch said:
Damn! This is a smilieOh, the heck... Im German too, so I am free to rant about them, am I not? This is a smilie
Feel free to rant about anything just someone may correct you from time to time. I have been corrected about umpteen times now. Tis funny though each time. Like me talking about Twilight Princess and everyone else ws talking about Phantom Hourglass. Smilie

That was fucking awesomeSmilie Almost literally laughed my ass offSmilie Good times on C3...Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Shinji_Zooka said:
Feel free to rant about anything just someone may correct you from time to time.

Absolutely! please, correct me. I do not want to look like a complete smartass! *g*

Shinji_Zooka said:
I have been corrected about umpteen times now. Tis funny though each time. Like me talking about Twilight Princess and everyone else ws talking about Phantom Hourglass. Smilie
That was fucking awesomeSmilie Almost literally laughed my ass offSmilie Good times on C3...Smilie

Me too! Have a star for that! SmilieSmilie

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
Shinji_Zooka said:Feel free to rant about anything just someone may correct you from time to time.
Absolutely! please, correct me. I do not want to look like a complete smartass! *g*
Shinji_Zooka said:
I have been corrected about umpteen times now. Tis funny though each time. Like me talking about Twilight Princess and everyone else ws talking about Phantom Hourglass. Smilie
That was fucking awesomeSmilie Almost literally laughed my ass offSmilie Good times on C3...Smilie
Me too! Have a star for that! SmilieSmilie

Woohoo! Stars! Have a star for that!Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Woo aren't mess ups a larf!! Smilie


crazylurch said:
Woo arent mess ups a larf!! Smilie


~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

sorry, my stars are gone, no more stars... have to play Super MArio Galaxy to get new ones. Smilie

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
sorry, my stars are gone, no more stars... have to play Super MArio Galaxy to get new ones. Smilie

Or just wait till next weekSmilieSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

hells yeh thats right its giong to be cheaper!!!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!!!!

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