Nintendo News | EA Bring 6 Titles to Wii Launch Period

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.08.2006 19

During the joint conference in Leipzig between big players Nintendo and EA, the companies revealed six Wii titles due to release alongside the console later this year. Surprisingly enough, only two are sports sims... Good games or quick buck?

Jeux-France notes that due for release during, or several months after, are a selection of.. Interesting titles for the console from several different genres. Expect an encounter with the Godfather, a game of golf with Tiger Woods and friends, then being battered half to death in Madden, only to be resurrected by the demented Harry Potter and pals.

EA Wii Launch Period

  • Godfather
  • Harry Potter
  • Madden NFL 2007
  • Need For Speed: Carbon
  • SSX 5
  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007

    Stay tuned for updates.

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    SSX 5 sounds good to me. Using the motion sensing abilities on that could be fun, although with the stuff the snoboarders can do on that, you would have to be very artistic with the Wiimote movements!!


    The sport titles should be interesting, especially Madden.

    the lack of a traditional football title for wii is especially potent in the uk market; no pes, no fifa = no success with us footie mad brits. Godfather is promising as 360 version looks good and doesn't fit into the usual kiddie fare that we are seeing from thq to name one publisher...

    jamain said:
    the lack of a traditional football title for wii is especially potent in the uk market; no pes, no fifa = no success with us footie mad brits. Godfather is promising as 360 version looks good and doesnt fit into the usual kiddie fare that we are seeing from thq to name one publisher...

    Konami have an unnamed soccer title on the release schedule for Wii. ISS methinks.

    Not a bad selection of games, should be good for Wii's launch

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Why can't people bring their so called "normal" games to Wii using the normal pad?

    Nintendo say this normal pad will come with the Wii, so there is no excuse.

    I'm lookn forward to how Harry Potter will play, very curious about how people will accept SSX on the Wii.

    Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

    Harry Potter was only a mater of time Smilie
    Wands at the ready.. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    Next-gen FIFA, Pro Evo 360-exclusive for 12 months.


    Hopefully, another developer can aid Sony and Nintendo.

    f | j | D wrote:
    Why can't people bring their so called "normal" games to Wii using the normal pad?
    This would kill gaming. All three consoles would have the same controller, online support, and just about every third party game will be the same. There would be no innovation just developers putting a new coat of paint on similar games that were played on the Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube. That would be stale.

    Darkflame said:
    Harry Potter was only a mater of time SmilieWands at the ready..

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! HHARRRYYY POOTTERR!! I can actually be a wizard!! *cries*

    No I didn't cry but damn am I happy. Do you realize how many system's that game is going to sell? All the freaking Harry Potter fans are going to buy a Wii for the sake of buying that game!

    Tiamat, I wish you would answer other posts directed at you.

    Personally I never liked SSX and as also being unsure of the controls, I will hope for the best. As with all of the other games really, perhaps for once Tiger Woods can give me a Wood and Harry Potter can take me under its spell while being held captive by the Godfather. Who knows, I am looking forward to all.


    Almost no games for me here, but it is a nice addition to the Wii-launch-portfolio imho...
    It'S important for Wii to get a wide base of games and the seller of almost-good license titles and sporting games called EA is important for Wii.

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    I agree with Laurelin, not much here I personally would want (possibly Need For Speed), but it's great of EA to get this many games out in the launch period, and all of series that should do well. I would advice people, though, that if they are going to buy one game out of this lot, it should be The Godfather. It's not supposed to be great, but if it doesn't sell then you can kiss goodbye to mature games on Wii from EA, and then we've just got Gamecube 2 levels of support starting up on our hands.

    f | j | D said:
    Why cant people bring their so called normal games to Wii using the normal pad?Nintendo say this normal pad will come with the Wii, so there is no excuse.


    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Godfather? Isn't that random?

    Didnt they already tel us this?

    Im getting Tiger Woods if the control scheme is good same with SSX.

    Maybe the Godfather game could be good if they get the controls perfect for it. Be good to have a gangster shootout with the Wiimote and then hold it sideways to drive the getaway car. Looks like the controls are a big issue with this console for nearly all the games. Hope Nintendo and the developers get it right.


    f | j | D said:
    Why cant people bring their so called normal games to Wii using the normal pad?Nintendo say this normal pad will come with the Wii, so there is no excuse.
    I asume you're refering to the 'classic controller' in which case, when the hell did they say it would come with the console? That's just a complete lie. Plus there's the fact that the classic controller is about as ergonomic as a razor sharp bear trap...

    But anyway the normal Wii controller has almost as many buttons as the classic controller anyway... I'm sure a lot of games would be able to be transferred to the Wii controller without having pointless motion sensing controls added in, but for some reason no-one realises that...

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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