Nintendo News | Miyamoto Announces Zelda: Twilight Princess Wii Overhaul

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.08.2006 32

Nintendo have made some exciting changes to the Wii version of the upcoming Zelda adventure, Twilight Princess. Miyamoto recently announced these changes and more in the Japanese monthly magazine, Nintendo Dream. Prepare to hold the Master Sword for the first time...

The legend has revealed that since E3, the control scheme for the game has become more Wii-like then ever before. Players previously had to use the traditional B button to to use Link's sword, with the development team thinking physically swinging the Wii-mote would become too tiresome. Since then the team have implemented a new idea, which allows players to swing their swords using the Wii-mote. Sweet. Miyamoto noted the change as "more interesting this way."

Along with the advances in swordplay, the Zelda team have refined the bow and arrow controls. Previously players aimed using the Wiimote, then shot out arrows using the D-pad. However, with the B button now free for allocation, players can now use the B button to fire, which thankfully would feel far more accessible. However Miyamoto hasn't said whether this was the final implementation or whether players can toggle between the two modes.

"I can't talk about it yet, but this Zelda has a lot to it. What you played at E3 was just the tip of the nail. It's coming along quite nicely."

Zelda: Twilight Princess is set to launch alongside the Nintendo Wii, for both Wii and GameCube.

Stay tuned for more updates from Hyrule! Thanks to reader amtrid for the tip.

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MASTER SWORD! MASTER SWORD! And wtf, tip of the nail?Smilie

I'm still excited to hear it, I really wanted to slash at the fuckers using my own arm! Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

OK THAT DOES IT. My mind is fully made up. I'm going to pick up the Gamecube version of TP as it will be the last TRiple AAA game on the console not to mention it's a good way of saying goodbye to what was, in my opinon one of the greatest consoles ever. Not to mention the fact that in years to come the GC version will be very rare. Then I'm going to pick up the Wii version of TP as it's going to set the standard on how future Zelda games will play on the Wii console.
I can't wait to see what other changes Mayamoto-san and Aonuma have made to the Wii version of Twighlight Princess, control wise and otherwise.

Questions: Hey peeps are any of you also contemplating getting both versions at some point.

Also do you think it's a good idea for Namco to add Fierce Deity Link(from Majora's Mask) to the rosta in a Wii version of Soul Calibre?Smilie

( Edited on 21.08.2006 14:28 by OLU1701 )

I'll probably definitely get both.

I'm leaning towards traditional Zelda for collector's value in the future, first then Wii later - although the Wii version does seem tempting!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well i will now be buying both version of TP and am more excited than ever to play the wii version. To actually be able to fuly control your sword is how the wii is supposed to be utilised and it stands to reason the zelda should be the first to do it.
The controls for zelda are getting to be perfect as we should all hope for. Nintendo will never release a zelda with dud controls. Oh and if it makes you tired, well go to the gym or something. so excited!!!!

oh and thanks jb for the mention. yippeee.

Well hopfully it dosn't suck but it sure sounds fun if it worksSmilie

Yes! another great feature to add to the best looking Zel;da yet. I hope you chop people in half.Smilie

They cant possibly have time to do "proper" Wii-controlled sword-fighting.
Ubisoft couldnt do that with Red Steal in the time they had, and they were doing animations and game engines from the ground up.

Im guessing it will probably be a generic slash action, corrisponding to a generic slash on the screen.

Still very cool though.
It better be optional, mind. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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No comment, Will have to wait and see how it actually works.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.



I was actually a bit worried on the whole pressing-B-to-attack gameplay but with these news, i can't wait to make a fool outta myself in front of my parents. Smilie

I am happy to see that Nintedno is accepting the challenge of developing the control scheme of Legend of Zelda this way.

This will help form an impression in the minds of third party developers and show them what can be accomplished with the Wii controler. And possibly inspire them and Nintendo to create software that's truely revolutionary and inspiring like Nights into dreams.

Ah yes, Nights into dreams would be great but will sega do it? And i really want pilot wings too.

It sounds tempting to get both versions! First and play with Wii-Zelda, then grab the GC-Version to check the differences!

Because these controls sound incredible! I want it all, and I want it now! *dressing like Freddie and running around singing like in the Video*

I think they can make it! If Nintendo announces something like this, then it's working. They never let me down!

It won't be too tiresome, since you are not into battle for that long. You only do shorts fights at a time...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I have alot of faith in this game and i hope the control scheme for the Wii version is perfected (cos that's the one i'll be getting), i would really like to try it out.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

All sounds good, infact I'm ludicrously excited! C'mon GAME, open up preorders already!

with the development team thinking physically swinging the Wii-mote would become too tiresome. Since then the team have implemented a new idea, which allows players to swing their swords using the Wii-mote. Sweet.

Doesn't that contradict itself?

Anyway, I'm still getting the Cube version, although these new controls do sound interesting.

Pretty awesome... Still getting the GC one first though...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

getting both versionsSmiliecant freakin wait!

i recommedn anybody to pickup pre-order the game in advance because you'll have a chance at the golden disk.

I've managed to get all gold disks and cartridges. Smilie


Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Wii version for me

wii version for me but it would be nice to see the differnces between the two versions

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sounds promising, i hope it can deliver.

i'll be getting the Wii version first, then i'll look for a 2nd hand GC version.

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Like before, Wii version for me anyway. If it fails, GC version. If it works, bonus!

Doesn't that contradict itself?

I thought so too, since they don't say how they have made the new Wii-control tireless.

Edit: My confidence has lessened after reading further posts on the other topic, which do make sense about the GC version being better. I'm confused...

( Edited on 21.08.2006 20:57 by shiptoncraig )

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
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I'm going to have to buy both versions now, the GameCube one for collectors value and to play it the original way. As well as a farewell to my GameCube. And the Wii version for the new controls.

Well this certainly gives more incentive to get the Wii version, but as grumbly-kins said, we will have to see how it works.

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