Nintendo News | Leipzig Wii and DS Lineup

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.08.2006 20

With the European Games Convention taking place this week in Leipzig, Germany, Nintendo and various key third parties have confirmed the titles they'll be demonstrating on Nintendo Wii and DS. The convention showcases upcoming hardware, software and the best of the video gaming world and is the second largest (well, presumably now the largest) gaming event in the world, with over 130,000 visitors and 280 exhibitors.

GC 2006 takes place on August 23 to August 27, 2006.

DS-Gamer have compiled the lists that have been announced over the last few days.


  • Call of Duty 3 (Wii)
  • Lego Star Wars II (DS)
  • Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Wii)
  • Spiderman: Battle for New York (DS)
  • Tony Hawks Downhill Jam (Wii, DS)


  • Arthur and the Minimoys (DS)
  • Bionicle Heroes (DS)
  • Justice League Heroes (DS)
  • Mercury Meltdown (Wii)
  • Point Blank DS (DS)
  • Tom & Jerry Tales (DS)
  • Tomb Raider Legend (DS)

    Buena Vista Games

  • Disney's Kim Possible: Hunt for Gemini (DS)
  • Disney Meteos (DS)
  • Spectrobes (DS)


  • Panzer Tactics DS

    Electronic Arts

  • FIFA 2007 (DS)
  • Need for Speed Carbon (Wii, DS)
  • Superman Returns (DS)


  • Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)
  • Elebits (Wii)
  • Lunar Knights (DS)
  • Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (DS)
  • Steel Horizon (DS)
  • Winx Club (DS)
  • Yu-Gi-Oh GX (DS)


  • Ant Bully (Wii, DS)
  • Happy Feet (Wii, DS)


  • 42 Spelklassiekers (DS)
  • Brain Training (DS)
  • English Training (DS)
  • Kirby Squeak Squad (DS)
  • New Super Mario Bros. (DS)
  • Mario Basketball 3 on 3 (DS)
  • Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2 (DS)
  • Pok

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    Really positive line-up here, things are looking good for Nintendo gamers, especially with the DS!

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Ill be looking foward to seeing settlers DS, but yeah its looking positive. Oh and i gather tat Nintendo will probabully announce a LoZ demo later on in the week.

    Asphalt Urban GT 2 (DS) - my source from last year was right! The port from the N-Gage is finally coming...w00t1!11!


    I predict that if Settlers does well, we'll see EA jump on-board with similar games.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    itsa good list for the ds. Surely though this list should have some more wii on it, or is all that stuff going behind closed doors. It just seems a little weird that a new console is out in like two months and nintendo aren't showing it off at every opportunity. I hope that they know what they are doing.

    Is that "Sonic and the Secret Rings" for Wii supposed to be the previously named Sonic WildFire or another brand new project (most unlikely...)

    No it's Wildfire, they announced the name change the other day.

    Looking forward to GC, hope we get to hear some new Wii news. Release date? Price? Come on give us something

    Were's Nintendo's Wii games?

    ( Edited on 21.08.2006 13:27 by Marzy )

    Dutch list...niceSmilie

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    If Asphalt Urban GT 2 allows multiplayer to use your custom cars from the campaign, I'll be happy. Oh, and WiFi wouldn't be bad either Smilie


    IGN reported that the 2 Wii titles will be revealed at the conference.


    Everything is looking good, most of the Wii games are secretive or still in early stage development that's why we wont see alot of them.

    Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

    why arnt nintendo showing any wii games? this is their last chance apart from their little tour as their not going to the tgs, seems strange

    My Wii Code - 2986 1627 6438 2084

    Shinji_Zooka said:
    Dutch list...niceSmilie

    Ik woon en een huis!

    dojo99 said:
    Shinji_Zooka said:Dutch list...niceSmilie
    Ik woon en een huis!

    That's a wrong sentence(only one word though), and do you even know what it means? "Ik woon in een huis"="I live in a house" Smilie

    It's weird though, never thought much of the site, but they seem to do more than I thought...
    Bet they're still not as good as thoughSmilie

    ( Edited on 21.08.2006 17:58 by Shinji_Zooka )

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    Kirby Squeak Squad (DS)

    O.O WHAT!?!?!?

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    You like Kirby i guess because your avatar is Kirby it was announced at e3 but just has been given a name and a pretty shit i might ad

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    Bring us a release date/list for the Wii along with the nice lineup Nintendo! Also waiting to see if Red Steel's sensitivity has been fine tuned since E3.

    360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
    PSN: shiptoncraig
    Steam: Guess what?

    Shinji_Zooka said:
    dojo99 said:
    Shinji_Zooka said:Dutch list...niceSmilie
    Ik woon en een huis!
    Thats a wrong sentence(only one word though), and do you even know what it means? Ik woon in een huis=I live in a house SmilieIts weird though, never thought much of the site, but they seem to do more than I thought...Bet theyre still not as good as thoughSmilie( Edited on 21.08.2006 17:58 by Shinji_Zooka )

    I'm not embarrased. Smilie

    Yeah, C3 is really rather better than most other UK based game sites to be fair. Its a pity they don't have some sort of weekly video podcast feature...cough...hint...cough

    Grampasso said:
    Is that Sonic and the Secret Rings for Wii supposed to be the previously named Sonic WildFire or another brand new project (most unlikely...)

    Sonic and the Secret Rings is Sonic WildFire, unfortunately Sega felt the need to rename it.

    It looks like there are going to be a lot of great DS games in the next year or so.

    Marzy said:
    Weres Nintendos Wii games?( Edited on 21.08.2006 13:27 by Marzy )

    They are just asking for a conspiracy...

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