Wii News | Call of Duty 3 Delayed

By John Boyle 20.08.2006 19

Quick News Wii-UK are reporting that the latest issue of Edge confirms that the Wii version of Call of Duty 3 has been delayed until 2007 whilst all other versions remain on track for a fourth quarter 2006 launch.

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Guest 20.08.2006#1

Nintendo Wii is DOOMED!

-Bart- said:
Nintendo Wii is DOOMED!


Thats a bit of a shame. But if it takes them a bit longer to make the game complete, i'm not too bothered.

Plus, the Wii has a number of games ready for release, like in the 20s, so 1 or 2 games wouldn't really make too much of a difference.

Dammit, it's shame - hopefully they'll bring out a kickass title for 2007. I really don't want to see this happening in general, i.e. titles being pushed back because they're Wiied up - however, if it makes the game better, then s'all good.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

does this not seem a bit weird. I mean i thought it was easier to dev on wii, obviously they need a bit of time to wok out the controls, but the 360 and ps3 need alot of work graphically as well as actually utilising the system from scratch. Oh well no biggy i guess we will just have to wait.

Give it to infintiy ward to develop god damn you activision...

This is in fact strange if this news is true. I remember the developer saying that the Wii version was the deepest in development... meaning it should be the first to be finished. I wonder if Sony and Microsoft is putting the squeeze on Activision to complete their respective version for the game for the holiday season and thus taking man power away from the team of the Wii version.

( Edited on 20.08.2006 14:01 by jadnice )

I like cottages


I hope they delayed the game to add some features (possibly online/Wi-fi,rapid bullet fire sounds coming from the speaker etc) and i guess all developers are looking forward to Nintendo's announcements at LGC. And launch window will be good for this game.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

f | j | D said:
Give it to infintiy ward to develop god damn you activision...

Treyarch are developing it.

CALUM said:
f | j | D said:Give it to infintiy ward to develop god damn you activision...
Treyarch are developing it.


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It's a disappointment, to be sure, but I'd rather it was delayed and we get a decent version that isn't rushed out to be alongside the others.

It could seem strange that this is happening after their statements of it being the furthest along, but look at the facts. It's a reworked game, which means that there will be different controls needing different amounts of testing, and it's possible there are new sections that aren't in the other versions. It will be relying heavily on motion sensing, since they're taking advantage of the new control system, and this is an unproven medium for the most part at the moment - Ubisoft had trouble with the system with Red Steel at E3, and they had the equipment before other third parties and have had more experience thus far, developing games prior to other developers aside Nintendo and their second parties, so it's best that it's delayed to be smoothed over. I'm glad they're taking their time with it and not just churning out a game that's the same as the others only with shoddy Wiimote support.

Is this for definite or just specualtion i am a bit dissapointed i was looking forward to a war game on the Wii

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I reckon they're waiting to see the reaction to the control schemes in MP3, Red Steel and FarCry so that they don't get dragged down in the potential 1st generation Wii FPS disaster.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Der SegaHund said:
I reckon theyre waiting to see the reaction to the control schemes in MP3, Red Steel and FarCry so that they dont get dragged down in the potential 1st generation Wii FPS disaster.

Indeed, and it's a good plan if true.

Anyway, hopefully the delay will mean the game can be improved further. It's nice to see that they won't rush the game really.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

Oh no... We'll have to wait an extra year for a game that already exists about 6 times on current-gen consoles ;_;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Disappointing, but I'd much rather they take the extra time to make sure the game is polished and works great than to release a rushed/half-assed port. It's bizarre, though, because I had read that the Wii version was the furthest along in development, also. Than again. This is a totally new control scheme and devs need to get acquainted with the mechanics and what's the best way to use it. Once they get familiar with it, they can start blazing a trail at full speed.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Well...at least that shows they're not just doing a simple port.

Maybe the should scrap the Call of Duty 3 name as well. People will think it's just the same Call of Duty 3 and it comes out later...

Der SegaHund said:
reckon theyre waiting to see the reaction to the control schemes in MP3, Red Steel and FarCry so that they dont get dragged down in the potential 1st generation Wii FPS disaster.

Actually, the control scheme for a First Person shooter on the Wii is not hard to do. The analog stick on nun-chuck controller controls the basic movements, forward, back, step left, and step right. The Free-hand controller is used to look left, right, up, and down by moving the controller in those directions. Turning left or right is done by moving the Free-hand controller in those directions while moving forward with the analog stick on the nun-chuck. Strife left or right can be similarly but with the addition of pressing the Z1 or Z2 button on the nun-chuck controller. The left and right buttons of the D-pad can be use to scroll through weapons while the up and down buttons of the D-pad can be used to crouch/kneel or stand up. The A button can be the action button/ weapons select/ ok button. The B/trigger button is the fire button. The throwing of grenades can be done by moving the nun-chuck controller forward or by using the Free hand controller to actually mimic the actual physical movement. The actual throwing of the grenade is always pre-programmed, the arc and the distance. There is no need to spend time working of the mechanics of that.

The delay could be the result of new content being added, new controller functions, or waiting for Nintendo to finalize their online features and plans, or it could be that the PS3 or Xbox 360 versions need more attention. Sony and Microsoft want similar third party games published at the same time or within a few weeks of each other. The list of games include Resident Evil 5, GTA 4, Half-life 2, and Fear as well as other games.

( Edited on 21.08.2006 06:45 by patjuan32 )

I think it's a bit alarming! Watch the fate of GC-games: They all were delayed - if coming out at all - because the comanies did use the capacity of their developers 'to finish the other versions first'. So why that? Look, you have CoD3 on all other consoles. Who will buy it then? people are buying Wii because - on other things - of the wide array of games coming side by side on all consoles! Who wants to buy a console then games are being delayed like on GCN? People will see, that their one dearest game is delayed and so "why buying a Wii?"!
I hope this will not be done in every developers schedule or they will do this every time and customers will thinkt the Wii as a console with fun but every game which is not exclusive, is being delayed. Then they start and buy X360 or PS3.

Developers may think Wii is not important and will develop on the important consoles first, because they do not have the manpower to develop on every 3 consoles with the difficult and expensive developing on PS3 and X360.

But maybe they only must (re-)charge the batteries on their Wiimotes until 2007?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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