Der SegaHund said:
reckon theyre waiting to see the reaction to the control schemes in MP3, Red Steel and FarCry so that they dont get dragged down in the potential 1st generation Wii FPS disaster.
Actually, the control scheme for a First Person shooter on the Wii is not hard to do. The analog stick on nun-chuck controller controls the basic movements, forward, back, step left, and step right. The Free-hand controller is used to look left, right, up, and down by moving the controller in those directions. Turning left or right is done by moving the Free-hand controller in those directions while moving forward with the analog stick on the nun-chuck. Strife left or right can be similarly but with the addition of pressing the Z1 or Z2 button on the nun-chuck controller. The left and right buttons of the D-pad can be use to scroll through weapons while the up and down buttons of the D-pad can be used to crouch/kneel or stand up. The A button can be the action button/ weapons select/ ok button. The B/trigger button is the fire button. The throwing of grenades can be done by moving the nun-chuck controller forward or by using the Free hand controller to actually mimic the actual physical movement. The actual throwing of the grenade is always pre-programmed, the arc and the distance. There is no need to spend time working of the mechanics of that.
The delay could be the result of new content being added, new controller functions, or waiting for Nintendo to finalize their online features and plans, or it could be that the PS3 or Xbox 360 versions need more attention. Sony and Microsoft want similar third party games published at the same time or within a few weeks of each other. The list of games include Resident Evil 5, GTA 4, Half-life 2, and Fear as well as other games.
( Edited on 21.08.2006 06:45 by patjuan32 )