Nintendo Special | Cubed

By Karn Spydar Lee Bianco 18.08.2006 16

Hands-On with the Wii in London
Karn Spydar Lee Bianco :: 18th August 2006 :: London, UK

When our very own Karn Bianco originally played the Wii back in July he promised some hands on impressions with the titles he tested out. Unfortunately technology being the wonder that it is, his computer died shortly afterwards meaning he couldn't write up his thrilling musings... until now! So read on so that we may share our thoughts on a few Wii titles with you.

Wario Ware: Smooth Moves

Most if not all Nintendo owners are surely aware of the Wario Ware franchise by now. The series has spanned across a number of consoles of both the handheld and home variety, but never before has a game made you feel like quite such a nut case.

'Smooth Moves' was the very first title we got a chance to play at the Nintendo Wii event, a fact that was overwhelmingly evident to anyone watching. Whilst most Wii titles that have been revealed so far involved some form of embarrassing ligament flailing, Smooth Moves well and truly takes the top spot. The prime reason for this (other than the possible drug habits of Nintendo's developers of course) is the frequent changing of activities as you whiz through the variety of mini-games. One second you could be trying to balance a broom stick on the palm of your hand and the next you could be swinging a 'hula-hoop' around your midriff.

Nothing new for Wario Ware veterans, but what is new is the actions that go with each mini-game. Taking the two previous mini-game examples to illustrate the point, balancing a broomstick is no longer about tapping left and right as subtly as possible, you now have to physically point the Wii-mote in the air and keep it steady. However this is nothing compared to the 'Hula-hoop- mini-game that (if done properly) requires you to hold the Wii-mote to your waist and swing your hips like its 1994*. Doing this with some mates once you know what you're doing is one thing, but trying it for the first time in a room full of total strangers is a different experience entirely.

Luckily before each mini-game begins a help-screen pops up instructing you on how you should be holding the Wii-mote for best results. Of course these are only really suggestions and not rules, as it is often possible to bypass the recommended control methods and merely take the less embarrassing route of holding the controller normally (as opposed to strapped to your waist!) . Whilst there is nothing against doing this it would officially make anyone who did a 'party-pooper' of the highest order, and perhaps said person would be better suited to the PS3's "motion sensitive controller"...

In it's current form, Wario Ware: Smooth Moves already feels like the most complete title due to its reliance on miniature segments of frantic gaming rather than in-depth game play. On top of this the Wii-mote is perfectly suited to the party-game style of game play, meaning that the game lends itself very well to newcomers, (unless your very image conscious that is).

*Date bares no relevance to the subject matter.

Wii Sports

'Wii sports' is a compilation title featuring a number of simulated real-life sports that allow you to get your daily exercise without ever having to leave the house! The version we played featured Tennis, Baseball and Golf, although the final release copy may well include more.

Unlike Wario Ware, you know exactly what's coming with Wii Sports

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I need a Wii.

Awesome stuff Karn, really enjoyed reading through that. Makes the Wii at lot more exciting SmilieSmilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

A very good read.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Great stuff Karn - green with envy I am! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Sounds good!

Certainly shows how the Wii can handle more 'simple' games at least.

Sweet! I really want to try out Wii Tennis and Orchestra!

Thanks for the comments everyone. Smilie

It seems like an eternity ago since I was there, it's like some wonderfully geeky dream. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

SO unfair i wish i could have played the Wii

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Lucky bugger!

Could you put up some more inmpressions?
'Cauz we already know how the games work Smilie


Um, I have never really been enticed by Wii (Music) Orchestra because one of my skills is composing music for orchestras and stuff and whenever I hear the midi-ness of the instruments, my musicians hat comes on and it makes me want to say "THIS DOES NOT WARRANT A FULL GAME RELEASE".

Then I realise that not eveyone has an anal musical ear and that I should just calm down.


*I want to go to bed*

Very nice Spy; I enjoyed reading it very much! Smilie

Huh? Why is everything centred?


Looking very nice, great scoop Spy.

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

brilliant. i really want duck hunt.

Then I realise that not eveyone has an anal musical ear and that I should just calm down.

you have an anal ear? I hope it is not that, which I fear it is...?

anyway: It has to be midi-based, otherwise it would be very difficult, if not improbable, to slow down or speed up the music (I know, it is possible, but you have to do it in realtime, you know?) or maybe they even allow people to emphasize some instrument-groups...?

Overall: Nothing new, with these titles being told upon in detail at E

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
Then I realise that not eveyone has an anal musical ear and that I should just calm down.

you have an anal ear? I hope it is not that, which I fear it is...?

Aw, you're special Smilie

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