Nintendo Rumour | October Release For Zelda: Twilight Princess?

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.08.2006 22

With the Wii release date, price and all sorts imminent, IGN have added a little hint of what could possibly be the release period for Zelda, or a way of teasing gamers with false information.

Could an October release for Zelda be on the cards?

IGN have added a poll to the main page of their site asking which version of Zelda: Twilight Princess readers would buy "this Oct... er, holiday season".

There are different outcomes that could come out of this, if true:

  • An October release for TP, with the Wii launching shortly after in November, or -
  • An October release for Zelda and Wii simulatenously.

    Do IGN know more on the release then the rest of the world, or just playing a twisted little joke on Nintendo fans?

    Regardless, official confirmation from Nintendo is said to be announced in the coming weeks.

    Stay tuned for further updates.



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    Maybe they were saying "Are you buying Zelda: Twilight Princess this Octopus" but then they decided that that sounded stupid Smilie

    maybe they made a typo.

    "are you buying zelda OR this octopus?"Smilie

    Ahh, that makes even MORE sense! Smilie

    They captured one poor little Sony employee and dragged him (drag? That's something with women's dresses, no) to the underground lair.
    After 6 hours of hard beating and punching he told them 'the truth'
    He said 'We're going to release da Cell-processors shortly after this October'!
    IGN, mistaking him for a Nintendo-manager (because he looked like Togglepi) believed him and set him free, not realising, that his name-tag had a big 'S' at the beginning of his companiy's name instead of a big 'N'.

    So the new Cell-Da from Nony is coming somewhere this Octopu... this October.

    Believe me: No one at IGN made this up to get other online journalists to give out a news about this.

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    As someone who's followed IGN since they were, I can tell you that they are indeed one of the most reliable sources for videogame info. They don't usually screw these things up.

    They probably know. However, while they're fairly reliable, they're also a pack of rumour-mongers, releasing complete crap at times to gain notoriety and hits. Also, they've been known to be arseholes and spread false hope like this.

    Having said that, I do think an October launch for the USA is increasingly likely.

    October does seem like a very logical time to release the Wii, so maybe IGN do know the release date already.

    OCTOROK.. surely?

    october for the winSmilie

    I bet they are all having a sick laugh at this. I know I would. :p

    October?! When is October?!

    Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

    lets give it a shot..i say 10th of october in america,29 of september in japan and europe...hmm..good question!november in europe!

    I'm hoping for some sort've octupus bundle. I'd buy it if it came with an octopus.

    TAG: That American Guy

    "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

    "As someone who's followed IGN since they were, I can tell you that they are indeed one of the most reliable sources for videogame info. They don't usually screw these things up"

    They have been increaseingly screwing about these days.
    The amount of "joke" links appearing on their site has shot up.
    Its like every time there is no news they will try to trick the Nintendo followers with something. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    I'm very much doubting a release in any region in the next two months. Late November at the earliest methinks, and that's for Japan.

    waltercourt3 said:
    As someone whos followed IGN since they were, I can tell you that they are indeed one of the most reliable sources for videogame info. They dont usually screw these things up.

    Ditto, and I bet they're fucking around as well.

    The wii is getting ever so close now can't wait i can almost taste it i mean feel it

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition." is usually a pretty reliable source of news and info. However when it comes to reviews, previews, personal opinions and such, I've found them to be pretty bias and/or ignorant for the most part.

    Chance favors the prepared mind.

    I think they are only poking fun... otherwise they would've made a big deal about it.

    I wouldn#t say IGN are bias considering they gave MKDD something like 7.3

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    fenno2001 said:
    Maybe they were saying Are you buying Zelda: Twilight Princess this Octopus but then they decided that that sounded stupid Smilie

    I'd say it's more bullshit... It's what IGN do best

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    surely though we all know that it will be out before the ps3 so a few weeks here or there is not really a bit problem. im just sticking with november and im getting tired of launch rumoured dates all the time.

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