Nintendo News | Geist Developer Expands, Seeks New Talent

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.08.2006 13

Quick News: The developer of the unique GameCube first person shooter Geist, have announced that they've expanded and are still seeking various talent to work on their projects for the Wii. According to IGN, the studio now spans over two buildings and employs over 70 dedicated artists, designers and engineers. More information..

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It's such a weird situation wit hN-SPace, Nintendo and Geist. Those must have been really tough years for them as a small developer of easy to make games making a complex game for an intensely demanding company, constantly missing deadlines, delaying and then finaly having to release an unfinished game that sold bugger all.

I haven't a clue what will come out of it all now.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I thought Geist was a great game really. The concept is superb. The controls are a little clunky, but certainly useable.

I'm looking forward to whatever they're next game will be.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

With more people onboard, hopefully they can fully realise their ideas on the Wii, should hopefully see some good stuff - would be a shame to waste some of the talented people they have on board.

They should hire Ch_dickhead Smilie

( Edited on 16.08.2006 01:47 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Geist was definately a good game if you gave it a bit of leeway technicaly.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Good news I think. More people = game out quicker. We all know how many delays Geist got.

jb said:
With more people onboard, hopefully they can fully realise their ideas on the Wii, should hopefully see some good stuff - would be a shame to waste some of the talented people they have on board. They should hire Ch_dickhead Smilie( Edited on 16.08.2006 01:47 by jb )

Talking about him, I haven't heard of him on messenger for a while... Wonder what he'll call himself if he ever comes back... CH_Industry-Still-Not-Evolving-Without-Me-Duh-They-MUST-Let-Me-In!?Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I reckon they'll do better the 2nd time through.

for their first major title geist was a grand concept and the implementation just fell short. they have shown nintendo that they are worth the gamble in terms of concept and now with more people, some further understanding of controls on big games and a little help from nintendo think they'll do a great job on the next one.
it must be hard though to have nintendo as part of the equation as they always are after something special and complete. they seem to demand alot from devs but i guess thats what gets them through generations like the gc the top notcg stuff they have to create to stay afloat. any way i cant wait to hear the new concepts from n-space for wii games.

Yep can't wait either, i'll add them to the list of excluives for Wii, which is 64 and counting.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

yeah Can't wait to see what N-Space come up with next, I enjoyed Geist although there was only one bit I hated and that driving bit.

Yeah the motorbike bit was a bit out of place, not to mention clunky.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Der SegaHund said:
Yeah the motorbike bit was a bit out of place, not to mention clunky.

Methinks "clunky" is a good word to describe Geist by. I actually had to take it back because I got motion sickness from the moving of the camera and stuff. I got that with MP as well, but I had only paid

I LOVED Geist so much. The only thing I hated was that it felt so linear. Sure you can posses loads of crap, but in most cases there's no point. If you have to scare someone there's only one possible way to do it. It just felt like they tried to make Ghostmaster into an FPS and failed miserably...

Why the hell is there no Ghostmaster sequel!?!? >.<

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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