Nintendo Wii Tidbits | Star Wars, Dragon Quest, Paper Mario, Prime 3 and more...

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.08.2006 28

With the launch of Nintendo's fifth home console approaching, tiny morsels of information have hit the Internet, and IGN have collected various chunks of juicy Wii news.

In a recent Podcast broadcast on IGN, the following was revealed:

  • Super Paper Mario, in development for GameCube, could be shifted to the Wii instead, according to IGN editor Matt Casamassina, with the title existing so late in the GameCube's lifespan.
  • Metroid Prime 3 is said to have a strong chance of not making the Wii launch as previously promised, due to possible time constraints or marketing decision.
  • Dragon Quest for Wii is said to not be ready in tiem for the Wii's launch.
  • Excite Truck has been confirmed as launch title.
  • During LGC, Nintendo and 3rd parties will reveal how games that exist or are in development for the 360/PS3 have been ported to work with the Wii-specific control scheme.
  • LucasArts have, according to IGN, been developing a lightsabre game for the Wii.
  • Publisher THQ have 6 to 8 titles in development.

    With several of these points, Nintendo have yet to provide official confirmation, with things certainly changing in the road to the Wii launch later this year.

    Stay tuned for future updates.

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    Megadanxzero said:
    Pfff... I dont care about Super Paper Mario being moved to the Wii, WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO KIRBY!?!?! ;_;

    By this point, I'd imagine they've been porting it and rebuilding it for Wii as of a few months after E3 2005. By not making a showing at E3 2006, it essentially seems to have been cancelled for GC, I'd be VERY shocked if it didn't end up on Wii for a release somewhere in the first half of next year. It might even make an appearance at Leipzig next week.

    Well the only thing that sort of worried me was that last year at E3 the japanese release was supposed to be some time in November, so it must have been mostly complete. The fact that they haven't showed it off as a launch title makes me think they may have canceled it altogether. It'd be a great 4-player co-op title to have at launch, if only to boost the numbers a bit... PLUS IT'S KIRBY!!! ;_;

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Mr.Ashcroft said:
    I would be disspointed if MP3 missed launch date but not devasted as there is LOZ and Red Steel, although it would be amazing if they are doing a Hunters job by making it online mode as Hazuki San said there isnt a real quality online game for the Wii so far.Yeah looks like Paper Mario will be that title which they are referring to although i would have hoped it appeared on the CUBE and probably that Kirby title we saw ages ago for the CUBE there is also a rumour that naruto 2,3 and 4 (i think) that have been released in Japan (apparantely well acoording to GAmeCentral they are the best narotu games) will be released on the Wii with Wii specific controls after the success of the first game in America.Shame for Dragon Quest it could have been its big break in the west if it made it for the Wiis launch


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