Nintendo News | Lara Croft Models Nintendo

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.08.2006 35

Eidos have released a selection of photos of British model Karima Adebibe as Lara Croft to promote the upcoming Tomb Raider Legend on Nintendo platforms. See the strangely proportioned lady take control of her new portable toys as she touches and strokes her way to DS heaven.

Click the following to.. enlarge.

Adebibe replaces former model Jill de Jong as the new face of Lara Croft with careful selection to ensure she looks just like the "real" deal.

Tomb Raider Legend hits Nintendo consoles, GameCube, GBA and DS this Autumn. Thanks to Tomb Raider Chronicles for the images.

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Smilie...You can just imagine her thinking, "God I look like such a prat."
Yet somehow it still works. Smilie

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Hmmm, she can use my stylus....... Smilie

Old Man / Font of all useless knowledge

Anordara said:
Hmmm, she can use my stylus....... Smilie

I agree.

She can 'Touch me' oh god thats cheesy

Fuckin shoulda used her instead of Angelina Jolie.

isn't it a bit late for this game. i mean who hasn't played it. admitedly i think she'll help sell a few copies .

Fuck, who wears short shorts.

Not that I'm complaining mind.

She looks very good at fingering...but I'd show her how to press the right buttons!

Etc... [/smut]

Anyway, great to see the Nintendo games being promoted in the run-up to their Autumn release!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

She looks very good at fingering...but I'd show her how to press the right buttons

Wouldn't mind her blowing on my mic.

(gotta keep up with Adam, the one man smut machine)

( Edited on 03.08.2006 23:40 by HazukiSan )


Wonder if the DS version uses the touch screen or is just a PS1 type game.

Tiger killer!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

she's doing two sreens at once, this time aroundSmilie

bleh! I only posted this as it was added as a news alert Smilie

She aint that good Smilie her proportions are weird!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

She aint that good her proportions are weird!

You wouldn't say no though ayeSmilie

( Edited on 04.08.2006 00:40 by )

You wouldn't say no though aye
LOL i so would, her body is strange, but more imporantly her face looks really really scary - the SP pic expression looks scary!

Although, she does have a pretty expression in the 4th one with the DS

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

HAHAH!!! Your guys comments are genius'!!

her boobs are too small


I would fuck her.

Uh-oh, did I ruin it? Smilie

Ben said:
I would fuck her.Uh-oh, did I ruin it? Smilie


Too... many... bad... puns...

Kill me, kill me now.

Seriously, a little respect for the lady, mkay? Your mother should be washing your mouths with soap.

On topic, when's the GameCube version coming out?

jb said:
You wouldnt say no though aye
LOL i so would, her body is strange, but more imporantly her face looks really really scary - the SP pic expression looks scary!Although, she does have a pretty expression in the 4th one with the DS

Her body isn't really that strange, I just think it's what she's wearing...

f | j | D said:
Fuckin shoulda used her instead of Angelina Jolie.

they used her as the model in the latest Lara Croft game (don't ask me what it was...), she was on like big cardboard cut out things in GAME when it first came out. She seems like a really nice person, I read an interview with her in a magazine.

Co-founder of the PDSLB - Pink DS Lite Buddies Fraz: Cheerios are made from fairy orgasms.

Questworld said:
Seriously, a little respect for the lady, mkay? Your mother should be washing your mouths with soap.On topic, whens the GameCube version coming out?

I thought it was already out or maybe I am thinking of something else.

Nintendo and sex appeal, something you don't see everday.

Nexus said:
Nintendo and sex appeal, something you dont see everday.Smilie


I'm sorry but these are just the CHEESIEST pics ever!! Smilie

And this whole Lara Croft Modelling thing is getting VERY old.

But Metroid - Ah!!! Now there's an eye opener! And she's blonde (which I prefer!) Smilie

Must avoid... bad puns... *****

But somehow, saying she's hot doesn't seem enough.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

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