Nintendo News | Camelot Ditches Nintendo?

By Mike Mason 01.08.2006 28

Update: It is being reported that there was a mistranslation from the original source by GameFront, now. It is said that Camelot projects for Nintendo consoles have not been cancelled and have been merely postponed while they focus on Golf Kaisuki: I Love Golf - Camelot moving away from Nintendo development was misinterpreted from them saying there would not be a port for Nintendo platforms of the PC title. Therefore, hopefully the panic is over!

* * *

Original story:

Thanks to GameFront, reports are filtering through that Camelot have decided to leave Nintendo. They had acted as a second party, and this can't come as good news to Nintendo as they prepare to enter their risky next-generation.

It will come as a disappointment to many gamers, too. Previously, they have developed the Golden Sun titles on Game Boy Advance, Mario Golf on Gamecube and Mario Power Tennis on both Game Boy Advance and Gamecube. It seems that those waiting for a Golden Sun sequel on DS or Wii, both of which have been rumoured to be in development at some point, have had their hopes dashed as they have chosen to move away from traditional console development into the realm PC development. Teaming up with Eleven-Up Inc. and Yahoo! Japan, they will be creating an online golf title called Golf Kaisuki: I Love Golf. When questioned, Camelot executives ruled out the possibility of a port to Nintendo consoles.

The circumstances for this are not really known at the moment, with the only word being that Camelot wanted to refocus and refresh their attentions to game development. It is unknown how many, if any, members of Camelot will jump ship as a result of this, and it is similarly unknown whether Nintendo did anything to warrant the departure. We'll keep you updated as more news comes through (unless they choose to be secretive and we just have to come to our own conclusions).

Thanks to patjuan32 for the tip off.

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this news makes me sad :-(

( Edited 07.07.2013 05:07 by Guest )

Co-founder of the PDSLB - Pink DS Lite Buddies Fraz: Cheerios are made from fairy orgasms.


( Edited 07.07.2013 05:07 by Guest )

Not good news, if true.

Strange how it's just out of nowhere too Smilie

( Edited 07.07.2013 05:07 by Guest )

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."


OH MAN! I loved mario tennis (completed almost 100% in both the GBA and N64 titles- haven't gotten all the pwoershots in GBA yet) and was hoping for a great Wii title!

Maybe I can find the GC version cheap somewhere...

This makes me sad and ANGRY!

( Edited 07.07.2013 05:07 by Guest )


I just hope it's all rumours and it all works out okay.

Well thats a kick in the balls I was looking foward to picking up Golden sun cause I heard so much good stuff about it.

It doesn't seem like rumours, seems to be all confirmed. It's terrible news; I can only hope that they can be persuaded back if Wii does well. Heaven forbid, I hope their game does crap and they're FORCED to come back for the money. We need Golden Sun Wii, dammit. And Mario Power Tennis GBA was surprisingly ace (I didn't expect it to be good, but it was bloody brill).

What I'm concerned with now is, what if this isn't a matter of 'we want to refocus'? What if that's just a cover up for something Nintendo has done? What if they decided they didn't want to develop for a particular platform and Nintendo has 'done a Sony' and told them 'you're not developing for anything then'? I really hope it is just them refocusing, but I'm concerned, and it comes at a dangerous time. If my slightly paranoid latter comment is real, Nintendo will find themselves in trouble - though they've probably risen above that, with Iwata, so it's probably just me assuming the worst.

Come back Camelot!

EDIT: teh_gam3r, don't let this news stop you picking it up, it's still a fab title. Smilie

( Edited on 01.08.2006 21:10 by Mason )

ahhh, n64 mario tennis was the best, well atleast Hal-Labs aren't going

I really hope this isn't true, but I wouldn't mind so much if they bring Nintendo's bigger franchises (in particular Mario Tennis) to Wii/DS.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Oh. My. God. I can't believe this. I pray this is purely a rumor and has no truth to it. This is so sudden... Why? I love the games Camelot has done for all of Nintendo's platforms. They have such a gifted staff and complemented Nintendo so well. Right before Wii is to launch, too. This really is a kick in the balls. I was extremely anxious to see what they had in development for Wii. I'm truly crushed if this isn't a rumor.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

It doesn't seem like rumours, seems to be all confirmed. It's terrible news; I can only hope that they can be persuaded back if Wii does well. Heaven forbid, I hope their game does crap and they're FORCED to come back for the money. We need Golden Sun Wii, dammit. And Mario Power Tennis GBA was surprisingly ace (I didn't expect it to be good, but it was bloody brill).

What I'm concerned with now is, what if this isn't a matter of 'we want to refocus'? What if that's just a cover up for something Nintendo has done? What if they decided they didn't want to develop for a particular platform and Nintendo has 'done a Sony' and told them 'you're not developing for anything then'? I really hope it is just them refocusing, but I'm concerned, and it comes at a dangerous time. If my slightly paranoid latter comment is real, Nintendo will find themselves in trouble - though they've probably risen above that, with Iwata, so it's probably just me assuming the worst. - Mason

That's what I'm worried about, too. It sure doesn't sound like rumors and even worse, could it be Nintendo's fault? This really couldn't come at a worse time (sigh).

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Oh my God!! Rejoice and follow this link to hear the good news about Camelot sticking with Nintendo!

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Yep, that just came through, I was just updating the story. Smilie Great news!

( Edited on 01.08.2006 21:49 by Mason )

Thank god that news of couldn't of come at a worse time for Nintendo, and I'll have to keep my eye open for the golden sun titles so thanks for that Mason and ill look forward to seeing what Camelot are releaseing in the future, great news anyway

Phew - thank goodness. Hope we see some Camelot goodies for the DS and Wii soon!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Thank fu... best call off that angry mob I'd assembled.

Camelot: "We're making a golf game, by the way"

Nintendo: "But we have two in development, can't have another one"

Camelot: "Ah right, we'll see you in six months then"


Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

A proper new Camelot Shining Force would go down very well.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Ahh good thing this was all cleared up before i saw it in it's original form.

My heart just about stopped beating for a moment there. It actually did. It kind of hurt...

Anyway, thank god it wasn't true.

The Mario Tennis games on the GBA and the Cube were fucking amazing.

( Edited on 02.08.2006 00:17 by tiamat1990 )

Okay, everybody together...



( Edited on 02.08.2006 03:12 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Tiamat1990, same here, lol.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

so... I'm confused... does this mean that they're staying with nintendo now?

how fickle Smilie

Co-founder of the PDSLB - Pink DS Lite Buddies Fraz: Cheerios are made from fairy orgasms.

so... I'm confused... does this mean that they're staying with nintendo now?

Yes, they are just taking a break from Ninty games.

ShinyRainbow said:
so... Im confused... does this mean that theyre staying with nintendo now?how fickle Smilie

Not fickle, GameFront misinterpreted it from an original source, they were never actually leaving.

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