Nintendo Rumours | Wii Specs, Sensor Bar, Headset and more...

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.07.2006 41

A selection of rumours have begun to circle the net with various little titbits on the Wii. Website 2am update states that these once appeared on the Official Nintendo forums however have since been removed.

  • The full scope of the Wii controller hasn't been revealed. Nintendo should show that movement in 3D space is capable outside the TV screen, and it's not 3D projection related.

  • The first controller to show the full scope of the Wii controller is said to be Dragonball Z.

  • The official launch date has still not been decided, but Nintendo aims to launch the Wii before the PS3.

  • Wii controller can function as we have currently seen it without the sensor bar. Apparently it had no use at E3 2006. Its capabilities haven't been shown to the public yet.

  • Nintendo apparently spent a lot of monkey having IMB and ATI develop many iterations of Broadway and Hollywood that range from 3.4GHz-730MHz Broadway CPUs, and 1.2GHz-553MHz custom ATI/Nintendo Hollywood VPU.

  • The architecture of Hollywood is about eliminating bottlenecks and maximising performance of the CPU with a slight downgrade of the graphics processor. However, it was also indicated that since Hollywood is a truly extreme "Flipper II" and Broadway is a massively upgraded "Gekko II" at least in architecture.

  • The initial estimates with final hardware spec was Broadway at around 1.5GHz and Hollywood at 555MHz.

  • Nintendo has big plans for the Wii headset. Nintendo want to go beyond having the headset exclusively for online capability. Nintendo want there to have a "gyroscopic headset" that could sense movement to be translated into the game, with a unique look and lightweight design. Nintendo ON anyone?

  • developer Nibris (Raid Over the River, Sadness) has received Wii development kits and has partnered with publisher Majesco.

    Whilst some of these seem somewhat farfetched, there does seem like a strong element of truth in others.

    Stay tuned to see if any of these rumours progress.

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    The official launch date has still not been decided, but Nintendo aims to launch the Wii before the PS3.

    Good, Nintendo HAVE to hit market before Sony to stand a chance.

    Nintendo has big plans for the Wii headset. Nintendo want to go beyond having the headset exclusively for online capability. Nintendo want there to have a

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    So what's the purpose of the sensor bar? Smilie

    lol who knows what the sensor bar is for...
    i like the idea of the headset but i highly doubt anything like that will come out, but in saying that i didnt think anything the wiimote and wii its self would come out so maybe there might be a bit of truth in there even if it can only be seen with a super powered microscope!! Smilie

    Nintendo apparently spent a lot of monkeyhaving IMB and ATI develop many iterations of Broadway and Hollywood that range from 3.4GHz-730MHz Broadway CPUs, and 1.2GHz-553MHz custom ATI/Nintendo Hollywood VPU.

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    I always suspected (and hoped) that The Wii will be between 3-5 times more powerful than the Gamecube and that the graphics processor will be about twice as powerful as the Gekko. So I can believe the rumours considering that Nintendo admitted at E3 06' Wii's hardware was running on high end cube dev. kits. All of the other above rumours however seem a little far fetched. Only time will tell. TGS is around the corner.Smilie

    ( Edited on 24.07.2006 15:49 by OLU1701 )

    Wii controller can function as we have currently seen it without the sensor bar. Apparently it had no use at E3 2006. Its capabilities haven't been shown to the public yet.

    Nintendo did show the sensor bar at E3, I saw it in ONM.
    It sounds great that the wii is going to be 3.5 times more powerful than the GC. It's just as I expected (eventhough this still may not be true)

    ( Edited on 24.07.2006 16:01 by Stupot101 )

    Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
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    true but i was under the premise that they were there just so that they could show the people there what the wii will use as its means of transmiting and receiving data!! Smilie

    Hmmm some people said when playing Redsteel at E3 they had to actually aim at the sensor bar as it wasn't calibrated properly so...i'm thinking it was functioning.

    XBL Gamertag: James2t3

    Yeah the sensor bar thing is definately bollocks. No question about it.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    i think the only way we could know is to ask thoughs who were there and played the games... JB u were there right? so did you actually need to use the sensor bar to play the game? and did it work properly?

    It is quite funny how rumours from, er, september time last year said that the PS3 would be 35x PS2 power, the 360 would be 15x Xbox power, and the "Revolution" at 2-3x GC power (I've a feeling the english in that sentence is dodgy).

    Nintendo did deny the truth in the "Revolution" thing, but maybe it wasn't so far off anymore...Smilie

    ( Edited on 24.07.2006 17:16 by dojo99 )

    Der SegaHund said:
    Nintendo has big plans for the Wii headset. Nintendo want to go beyond having the headset exclusively for online capability. Nintendo want there to have a

    HazukiSan said:
    Der SegaHund said:
    Nintendo has big plans for the Wii headset. Nintendo want to go beyond having the headset exclusively for online capability. Nintendo want there to have a

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    What would a gyroscopic head set be used for?

    XBL Gamertag: James2t3

    And how much would it cost all of us...Smilie

    HazukiSan said:
    Der SegaHund said:
    Nintendo has big plans for the Wii headset. Nintendo want to go beyond having the headset exclusively for online capability. Nintendo want there to have a

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    LOL, you're a twit.

    I learned from the best my man, I learned from the bestSmilie

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    knighty said:
    And how much would it cost all of us...Smilie

    Oh, come on, its just a wireless headset (what,

    Seems like a waste of time, effort and money for some crappy little feature. You'd have to keep your head level and adjust it depending on the angle of your head. Just not worth the bother.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Because it would make everything so complicated and expensive. Nintendo are on the verge of throwing simplicity and low cost out the window.

    I agree, chances are we won't see it. However I wouldn't dismiss it as bollocks immediately, I wouldn't put anything past Nintendo.

    Nintendo apparently spent a lot of monkey.....

    That sounds like it could be expensive!

    The first controller to show the full scope of the Wii controller is said to be Dragonball Z.

    Sweet u guys! Can't wait to jump arond my front room like a loon DBZ style! Smilie

    Der SegaHund said:
    Seems like a waste of time, effort and money for some crappy little feature. Youd have to keep your head level and adjust it depending on the angle of your head. Just not worth the bother.

    Oh, of course. I forgot about that. Maybe if you had to hold the A button when you wanted to turn your head? Stupid idea? Er, maybe. Okay, never mind then...Smilie

    dojo99 said:
    Der SegaHund said:Seems like a waste of time, effort and money for some crappy little feature. Youd have to keep your head level and adjust it depending on the angle of your head. Just not worth the bother.
    Oh, of course. I forgot about that. Maybe if you had to hold the A button when you wanted to turn your head? Stupid idea? Er, maybe. Okay, never mind then...Smilie

    It only takes a few seconds to think of downsides like that. It was probably suggested in a brain storming session and dismissed immediatey due to the obvious problems and little gains.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    well i highly doubt the head set news but it would be coool. The military use a similar thing in some of their helicopters, the pilot just looks at a target wearing a head set which influences the movement of the guns on the helicopter, he then bites on something attached to the head set and a rocket fires in the direction that he was looking in. Something like that could be implemented in but the Wiimote should suffice.

    Perhaps when they were revering to the sensor bar they ment that you could still play games that didnt require motion like a NES game.

    -Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

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