E3 2003 | Screens | Rouge Squadron III: Rebel Strike

By James Temperton 15.05.2003 1

Rouge Squadron III: Rebel Strike
Star Wars on GameCube is shown at E3!

One of the few surprises at E3 for Gamecube, LucasArts has announced a new Star Wars game. The third in the superb Rogue Squadron series sees you once again locking horns with Darth's dastardly Imperial Stormtroopers, with characters, vehicles and worlds straight out of the Star Wars universe.

Features included in this title are:

  • Stunning, movie-like visuals that immerse players into intense, arcade action experiences

  • More than 13 action-packed missions, encompassing branching paths in flight combat, and ground-based character or vehicle combat

  • Take the controls of a variety of Star Wars craft, such as the legendary X-wing, Millennium Falcon, Snowspeeder, Imperial speeder bike, and AT-ST

  • Play as Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, or Han Solo in locations including the vast forests of Endor, the icy wastelands of Hoth, and Bespin's gaseous Cloud City

  • Multiplayer modes include co-op endurance, capture the base, challenging dogfights and more, plus the main game can be played co-operatively

  • Numerous unlockable bonus features, including extra missions, vehicles and locations

  • Screens

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