Industry News | Ubisoft Acquires Driver Franchise

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.07.2006 12

Atari will no longer be taking to the streets for some undercover action for French developer Ubisoft has announced that it will acquire the Driver franchise shortly.

Driver is a series of action games that sees an undercover cop take to the road in various mission-based scenario's throughout different cities. Although having initial success, the franchise has taken a downfall in recent iterations. Ubisoft has agreed to pay

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never eally liked driver but it would be cool on the wii

I loved the original Driver games, especially Driver 2 - even though it looked pretty shite graphically. Driver GBA was pretty decent, regardless of the half-ass reviews in magazines.

However, D3 and future ones had good potential but lacked the same feeling as the original.

Hopefully they can do something decent with it this time!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Nice one another big franchiase maybe on Wii.

It looks cool

I agree. I was never into GTA-kind-of-games (never had the system to play it on, too), but they were not bad, either.
Standing up against GTA was never easy and so Driver kind of fell a bit into GTA's shadow.
I think the last Drivers were not that good, but Ubisoft has bought itself into this market and can give Driver a new life.
And let's be honest: What game is better for Wii then a game that has this variety of controls? You drive, you shoot, you run, you explore... all this is wonderful to play with on Wii! Let's hope Ubisoft - our french Nintendo-partner-in-law will stay true to Wii for Driver too... Smilie

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

i like ubisoft i dont think that ive ever been let down when ive bought a game develeoped by them. Hopefully driver will follow in stead. Smilie

Bleep bleep blork bleep

i like ubisoft i dont think that ive ever been let down when ive bought a game develeoped by them. Hopefully driver will follow in stead. Smilie

Bleep bleep blork bleep

In addition, 80 members of Reflections Interactive will become part of the company.

I just hope that Ubisoft can try to get something decent out of the Reflections team. Although everyone hated Driv3r, I thought there was a good solid engine behind it, and was really impressed by the graphics that they squeezed out of the PS2 (vehical wise).

I think we can rely on Ubisoft to turn the franchise around

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Good news this, Driver has a lot of potential...hopefully Ubi can do a better job that Atari did on the last one.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Hopefully improve on the last two. I was a big fan of Driver 2 tho. Those multiplayer cop/robber chases were excellent.

'Don't punch me there! i had one of my livers removed a while back!!!'

DRIVER is shite never liked it!
But maybe UBI might regenerate the games and make them good!

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