Nintendo News | Metroid Prime 3 Tidbits

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.06.2006 38

A load of interesting morsels of information have hit the latest American magazine, Nintendo Power. An interview with Metroid Prime 3's producer and director have revealed a few updates on the final Prime game for Nintendo Wii.

  • Samus can go into "hyper mode" as she did in Super Metroid (SNES) at any time for enhanced abilities although increasing your chances of dying.
  • Cinematic improvements from previous additions with the Wii hardware being more powerful to work with than the GameCube.
  • Larger environments, bloom lighting, improved animations and more.
  • Samus can remotely control her ship - lifting huge objects, bombing, area scanning etc.
  • Nunchuck can be used as a grapple with flicking motion.
  • No Multiplayer will be included in the game, but Connect24 will be used.
  • Corruption will be the last in the Prime series, although Metroid will continue to be expanded and taken forward.
  • Stick with C3 for future updates.

    Box art for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption





    First Person Shooter



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    Samus can remotely control her ship - lifting huge objects, bombing, area scanning etc.

    Hooray! Always wanted to control that ship.

    I'll buy this so long as it doesn't have the crappy light/dark Worlds in it again...

    What? That Dark World was fantastic.
    Sure, it was an old idea, but it was so well realised.

    eg.Buildings made from worms

    Very farscapish/extream sci-fi..brillent stuff. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    Guest 21.06.2006#3

    I'm with Rob, I hated the dark world. The only thing good about it was the music.

    I already knew all that.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    I hated the dark world too, and I'm really excited about Corruption!

    No Multiplayer will be included in the game, but Connect24 will be used

    How will WC24 be used? Hmm.

    Larger environments, bloom lighting, improved animations and more.

    And I though the environments were large enough in Prime 1 and 2.

    King of the 'League of Kings'||My deviantART|| My Photography

    Changes to the environment happening over time with WiiConnect24, perhaps...Smilie

    And I though the environments were large enough in Prime 1 and 2.

    I think this means 'rooms' - because areas itself are mostly restricted by hardware. The areas like 'canyon XYZ' or 'Fendrana Drift Entrance' can be expanded. Not necessarily the world itself has to be bigger, but the local area you enter through the doors itself can be expanded due to 'more leet hardware'.

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Good news, most of it old at that though. No matter, sounds great.

    No multiplayer Smilie I already knew there would be no online, but I was hoping I could still beat my friends to hell and back.

    Kangaroo_Kid said:
    No multiplayer Smilie I already knew there would be no online, but I was hoping I could still beat my friends to hell and back.

    You and me both. Maybe they'll bring out a dedicated Metroid online multi player, Like Turok Rage wars?

    Der SegaHund said:
    I already knew all that.

    Thats coz your the man! Smilie

    Cinematic improvements from previous additions with the Wii hardware being more powerful to work with than the GameCube.

    Yay, Metroid Prime 2 really benifited from better cut scenes and character interaction, I really hope theres even more in this. Prime 1 got a bit too lonly after a while and ended up feeling pointless near the end.

    ( Edited on 21.06.2006 15:32 by Blade2t3 )

    welready knew most of this since e3 but it is nice to here it confirmed

    Um.. I'd get that avatar changed Sexy Mario Man, it was used once before and didn't go down well with the mods.

    Arousing though.

    Corruption will be the last in the Prime series, although Metroid will continue to be expanded and taken forward.

    Best Metroid related news I've heard in OH SO LONG, I wonder what new 3D Metroid games will be like, & does this means that we'll finally get Metroid V? Smilie

    By the way, there isn't a dark world, I think the game was confirmed to be set across 3 whole planets Smilie

    ( Edited on 21.06.2006 16:15 by Superlink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Maby we'll get a game based on one of the charchters from Metroid Hunters? They did say they were thinking on expanding there universe.



    I want Samus, & I want a 2D sidescrolling immense adventure (those Metroid games are actually pretty good y'nkow Smilie)

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Well i'd rather they kept the 2D metroid to the handhelds.

    I'd rather the other Hunters were kept to handhelds with touchscreens Smilie

    'Cos once they're born you have to Quarintine them or they'll never die! If you let them out into the big world then they'll prolly reproduce & RUIN METROID!!!! They're already well into it too, they selfishly caused a Metroid game with the same bos over & over, & also there weren't EVEN ANY FECKING METROIDS!!!! Smilie

    See what those Hunters have done? They can never be let to live!!

    But on the subject of Hunters, on the MP3:C trailers I've seen (of Samus landing) & there's a Federation dude who says something like "Watch out for the Hunters" Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    There is another bounty hunter that helps samus in corruption he looks like the ice one from Hunters but he isn't the same person but he might be the same speicies.

    I'd love to see a game on one of the other hunters, the Metroid unviverse has so much potential, but at the same time i don't want it to be ruined.

    I hope that you get to fight alongside the Galactic Feds Troopers. I'm a sucker for co-op modes.

    1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

    I'd love to see a game on one of the other hunters, the Metroid unviverse has so much potential, but at the same time i don't want it to be ruined.

    If a game were made based on one of the Hunters it could potentially ruin the series. It would also seem to be milking it a bit.
    I hope Hunters was a one off, the Metroid game that never quite made it. It would be nice to have, say, references in future Metroid games of the hunters though.

    I hope that you get to fight alongside the Galactic Feds Troopers. I'm a sucker for co-op modes.

    I'd hate that. Metroid is about the lone bounty hunter. Not the bounty hunter who needs help from some Galactic trooper.

    ( Edited on 21.06.2006 17:43 by Monkeyman )

    King of the 'League of Kings'||My deviantART|| My Photography

    Maby not co op but interaction woth other AI charachters at certain points would only help the game. As i said before Prime 1 suffered from being too lonly.

    I agree with Darkflame, the dark world in Echoes was unbelievable and executed so well. I loved it.

    Hunters kicked ass. I had a blast with the single player mode. I thought it was very well done, but the multi-players modes were always intended to be the spotlight of this game.

    Chance favors the prepared mind.

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