Nintendo News | Ubisoft Treats DS Owners to Bargains

By Adam Riley 19.06.2006 16

According to German site, the French powerhouse developer Ubisoft is set to celebrate its 20th birthday this year and plans to make European gamers very happy indeed. Reportedly it will re-launch its Nintendo DS catalogue for the ultra-low price of

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Well, Bomberman DS is great..not sure about any of the rest though.

It does show the great fact about DS cards being cheap to make. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Lol ubisoft put out some realy terrible games on the DS so far, although they wern't so hot during the PS1/N64 days maby they can't deal with hardware that dosn't at least have PS2 visuals.
Oly thing i would even think about getting is bomberman but with a wifi enabled version comin out this year why bother.

I had Chaos Theory and found it too difficult to play. I think UBI soft needed more time to perfect it. Bomberman is good, but as Blade said, a Wifi one would be better. Anyone know what POP's like on DS? Smilie

lucky germans!!!Smilie like some of you said those games arent that great so we wont be missing that much!!! but a game for

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I do love Ubisoft at the moment, they are really breaking out of their "Rayman/ Ghost Recon/ Crappy Racer" mould. I think anyways...

That'll be

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.


Blade2t3 said:

Der SegaHund said:
Thatll be


Robbo said:
I had Chaos Theory and found it too difficult to play. I think UBI soft needed more time to perfect it. Bomberman is good, but as Blade said, a Wifi one would be better. Anyone know what POPs like on DS? Smilie

My review of BoPoP pretty much says it all:

As for WiFi Bomberman, don't know if this'll show, but:

Image for

I'm just about to do a story on it...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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well its sort of good. may be it will spur others to do similar or may get ninty to drop the price of ds games to 20 -25 quid

I hate it when some countries receive benefits while others do not - even if I am lucky, because i'm in Germany.

But on the other hand: these titles are not very good as blade2t3 said.
But I was told that Battle of PoP is a wonderful title - if you like strategy-based-card-games. I do not.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Nice on Raz, i'll stear clear! Smilie

most the the games mentioned are

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Maybe I'll try Bomberman DS.

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