Nintendo Media | Super Paper Mario Screens

By John Boyle 14.06.2006 39

Quick News We've just uploaded 5 new screens of what will proabably be the final AAA title for the GC and you can see them here. The game comes from Intelligent Systems (of Fire Emblem fame) and is due for release on 3/8/2006 in Japan.

Stick with C3 through the GC's final days...

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I'm sure Paper Mario 2 did well, & the great thing was, they didn't stick a big "2" on it either, so it attracted new fans.

Yeah, the original Paper Mario didn't sell, & I doubt this will too, but it looks AAA, & hopefully, the original Paper Mario will get a lot of fans when they come across the VC version, so if they realise it's a bit of a franchise, then I reckon one thing will lead to another, they will sell, somehow!

Besides, seems like the game has gathered a fair few amount of fans, & prolly across other Nintendo communities too, don't worry, it definitely won't fail as much as Chibi-Robo has (:crySmilie

Well, meh, buy Chibi Robo!!! Smilie

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If you think the GC has next to no space in the UK NOW, making Chibi flop, just think what the state of play will be like by the time this hits our 'sunny' shores?!?! Smilie


Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
If you think the GC has next to no space in the UK NOW, making Chibi flop, just think what the state of play will be like by the time this hits our sunny shores?!?! SmilieSmilie

Exactly. This could be the only mail order first party game. Smilie

Nah, I reckon I could pay

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msenyszak said:
jesusraz said:If you think the GC has next to no space in the UK NOW, making Chibi flop, just think what the state of play will be like by the time this hits our sunny shores?!?! SmilieSmilie
Exactly. This could be the only mail order first party game. Smilie

Meh,anyone who owned the Saturn AND the DC will know how to deal with no shelf space late on in the consoles life Smilie At least 20 of my Sega games had to be ordered in.

Looks great... Can't wait to get my hands on that. ^^

Games make people play.

I would get it but after the disapointments of the last 3 chapters of the last one I wont be. It became very repetetive and you couldnt get away from enemy battles as there were so many enemys.

This is completly diffrent though, the battles arn't turn based or anything.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

So its just like a normal mario game but in paper.

HazukiSan said:
At least 20 of my Sega games had to be ordered in.
I order every game online... Who wouldn't? It's much cheaper/easier

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Marzy said:
So its just like a normal mario game but in paper.

No, you still have a health Bar, & I don't think you can get the regular power ups of a Mario sidescroller, but you CAN make the game from 2D Sidescrolling, to 3D at the touch of a button, meaning that the game will have both the best of Mario's Sidescrolling & RPG elements. Smilie

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awww I hate the turn based battle system I wish you could just jump on goombas and they die like the normal mario.

Marzy said:
awww I hate the turn based battle system I wish you could just jump on goombas and they die like the normal mario.

Well, the battles aren't turn based in this one, as far as I know, you either stomp on, or grab+throw the enemies to kill them! Smilie

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Paper Mario 2 is one of the most memorable games ever.
I love the fighting system to

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