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Nintendo News | Bleach Wii Confirmed by Sega

By Mike Mason 05.06.2006 7

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Sounds good, I'm actually liking the look of alot of anime-based games lately (One Piece, Naruto, etc.). Hopefully they don't screw it up!

This could be a really good game, especially with the WiiMote capabilities.

Hopefully it'll be decent... And hopefully someone'll bring Bleach over here so that we can play it too >_>

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Isn't Bleach a GC game as well? I'm sure I have seen it in an old NOM (yes, the previous one)

When i first heard it i thought it was a colour, not a game!

Http:// : Nintendo Blog

dojo99 said:
Isnt Bleach a GC game as well? Im sure I have seen it in an old NOM (yes, the previous one)
There have so far been 2 PSP games, a PS2 game, a GC game, a GBA game and a DS game... As far as I know the only decent one is the DS one... ish...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Bleach has been on the GBA, DS, PSP, PS2 and GC so it's being whored out at the moment, just like the EyeShield21 series. But Nintendo's been getting the best version if reports are to be believed.

I hold high hopes for the Wii version...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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