Nintendo Wii Media | Super Swing Golf Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.05.2006 17

Tecmo has released their E3 trailer for the upcoming golfing simulation for Nintendo's next home console, the Wii. Complete with cheerful humans swinging away and oddly endowed characters, it's one to see.

Super Swing Golf is a very popular golfing franchise, with a large fanbase and following around the globe. Using Nintendo's Wii remote, the series is taken one step further in PANGYA, where one can physically get into the action with every swing, twist and turn possible.

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Box art for Pangya! Golf with Style
Also known as

Super Swing Golf









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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (4 Votes)

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Err... Was that Kasumi or whatever her name is? Yay another game about breasts...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society


"for the new nintendo game machine"

seems like an oldish video then.

Also this game has that cheesy Sega feel about it.

C3 Stalker said:
lol for the new nintendo game machine seems like an oldish video then.Also this game has that cheesy Sega feel about it.

Lol, it's the E3 2006 one - so they probably did make it a little bit earlier before the Wii was officially confirmed.

Looks a lil' cheesy, but definitely a fun one to play!

Err... Was that Kasumi or whatever her name is? Yay another game about breasts...

Lol, as always - it'll probably be one of their selling points...

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

heh it looks kinda fun Smilie

It certainly looks really smooth graphically. Trees look nice.

yay boobs <_<;

jb said:
Lol, as always - itll probably be one of their selling points...
They have OTHERS!?

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society's obviously pre-rendered.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

i dunno why, but it reminds me wave race 64 somehow..maybe it is that music..

Very cheesy. It reminded me of those old adverts for Swingball.

That is probably the PC version still, but the characters are A LOT better looking than those in Wii Sports. Ha ha. Anyway, 7 million Japanese onling gamers will be coming to Wii for more Pangya fun!'s obviously pre-rendered.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I think it looks quite fun, but the ad is so cheesy

Looks promising....but obviously pre-rendered!Smilie

seems like an oldish video then.

Indeed, with a newish Wii remote. Smilie

I'm not too sure what to make of this, I kind of figured there would be a few genres that the Wii would dominate in and golf was certainly one of them.

Looks like fun, but surely nothing compared to the inevitable Mario Golf? Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

The franchise is called PangYa, and this new version is Super Swing Golf for Nintendo Wii. That version there is not the PC version, and the character at the end is new to the series. The game is made by Ntreev in Korea and is most popular in Asia, where it has quite a large following.

It may look cheesy from the trailer, but it's actually a really good, fun, and polished game.

( Edited on 31.05.2006 10:13 by Eddz )

The game looks ace but the ad doesnt.

Personally I don't think most of it looks prerendered... I'm usually the first person to shout at people gawking at obviously pre-rendered videos but... Looks real to me

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

this game looks good!! but too bad its not gonna be online. Smilie

( Edited on 31.05.2006 12:31 by Nintendo_Maniac )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

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