Nintendo News | Ninja Gaiden Developer Talks Wii

By Adam Riley 26.05.2006 13

In the second part of GameInformer's interview with Tomonobu Itagaki of Tecmo, he talked about various subjects related to the Nintendo Wii. There are two main points that can be extracted from his answers:

  • He believes the Wii controller is very interesting. However, he has no plans to develop for Wii now as he is busy with three projects other projects (Dead of Alive Xtreme 2, Dead of Alive Cronus and Ninja Gaiden 2, the last of which is not confirmed on ANY system yet).

  • If Ninja Gaiden 2 was made for the Wii, then there would be a problem with the sword control, especially related to drawing backwards and then striking. Enemies would have to have their intelligence reduced to counter this control issue. People have different strength levels, so in his opinion this means that there would be too much variation in the speed that different people move the controller, which would lead to difficulties in development, rather than making development simpler.
  • Perhaps Nintendo has yet to fully brief Tecmo on the intricacies of the Wii controller? A poll on Tecmo's site a long time ago showed that fans wanted the original Ninja Gaiden to come to Nintendo's GameCube, but still Tecmo chose the XBOX. However, after more limited success than expected, perhaps a change could be afoot.

    Stay tuned to Cubed3 for more...

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    Breast-based games for Wii!

    ( Edited 20.12.2012 06:37 by Guest )

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    ...maybe nail your wiimote to your breast and wiggle around...

    ( Edited 20.12.2012 06:37 by Guest )

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    I would love that!

    ( Edited 20.12.2012 06:37 by Guest )

    Oh for Pete's sake, why is it everytime people think about a character with a sword that it must be about swinging the Wii controller around as if it were a real sword? Get out of that gutter of thought. Sure some games can work like that, but games like Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry, unless you take a completely overhauled approach, it's not going to work. Stop shoehorning it in there.

    Well said Questworld. Look at Zelda, there's very little movement based sword control in that. Instead the pointing function looks like being incredibly useful.

    "This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

    You could use the wii-mote in Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball to prod and stroke... the ball.

    Questworld said:
    Oh for Petes sake, why is it everytime people think about a character with a sword that it must be about swinging the Wii controller around as if it were a real sword? Get out of that gutter of thought. Sure some games can work like that, but games like Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry, unless you take a completely overhauled approach, its not going to work. Stop shoehorning it in there.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    It's not that EVERY game on Wii has to use the wiimote...bring it "classic" style with the normal controller and I'm ok. Wii needs every kind of games!

    electricnomad said:
    You could use the wii-mote in Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball to prod and stroke... the ball.

    Smilie Low, but still my sort of humour! Smilie

    Anyway, what bugs me is how Tecmo actual FANS wanted Ninja Gaiden on the GameCube...and yet it STILL went ahead and did it on the XBOX. Then it basically flopped (considering its massive hype). Well done! Smilie And with the XBOX 360 only having great success so far in the US (it's not exactly 'winning' in the UK's top games barely making the Top 20!), no wonder NG2 doesn't have a confirmed console...yet.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    The longer it sits around wondering what to do with itself, the more likely it'll be picked up as an exclusive for the PS3 or the 360. And the less likely it'll be tailored for the Wii.

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    I doubt NG2 will come out for the Wii. I still reckon its gonna be a X360 exclusive!

    I use to like Tecmo i dont know if you remember "TOP GEAR OVERDRIVE for N64" wow that was an awsome game good graphics, great gameplay, awsome music, awsome cars "the sandwich" car that was awsome!! Smilie AWSOME!!!

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    Damn it! Bring out a Ninja Gaiden on the Wii!!!

    I don't get what he means by 'drawing backwards' but I suppose swinging the sword around could slow the down ALOT, considering how fast the first one was. As pretty much everyone has said though they don't HAVE to make you swing the sword around. Maybe just throw shurikens Smilie

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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