Japanese Sales | Nintendo Wraps Up the Chart

By Adam Riley 26.05.2006 20

Nintendo seems to be able to do no wrong in Japan at the moment, with even Tetris DS performing really well. But as the Nintendo DS is being hit once more by huge shortages, has this affected the listings this week?

Software - This Week | Total Sales

1.) hack//G.U. Vol. 1 (Bandai, PS2) - 90,946 | NEW
2.) Brain Training 2 (Nintendo, NDS) - 61,679 | 2,280,977
3.) Tetris DS (Nintendo, NDS) - 50,937 | 498,857
4.) Brain Training (Nintendo, NDS) - 45,196 | 2,220,142

5.) Winning Eleven 10 (Konami, PS2) - 44,530 | 656,508
6.) Animal Crossing (Nintendo, NDS) - 33,470 | 2,709,487
7.) Powerful Major League (PS2) - 33,278 | 122,814
[b]8.) English Training (Nintendo, NDS) - 29,250 | 1,055,274
9.) Pok

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"14. Mother 3 (GBA, doing quite well)"

Haha... the little game that could!

But wow, that's a lot of bold text!

( Edited 19.04.2013 02:46 by Guest )

I find it hilarious that a handheld's sales are rivaling the PS2's... Plus at least one of the PS2 titles in there is a sports game, and therefore doesn't count >_>

( Edited 19.04.2013 02:46 by Guest )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

It's hard to believe how well the DS is STILL doing. It's like some sort of dream. I think the Wii might actually BEAT PS3 in Japan, especially if the Wii gets an earlier launch... hint hint.

( Edited 19.04.2013 02:46 by Guest )

Rivaling? Try tearing to pieces! The DS is accounting for nearly 70% of the TOTAL JAPANESE HARDWARE MARKET including PS2, PSP, Xbox, Xbox 360, and GBA!

Handheld gaming on the DS is the big thing in Japan, at least until the Wii comes out. With PS3 approval ratings dropping to 21% from over 50% after the price announcement and Nintendo rising to 68%, it looks like it will be a long five years for Sony!

( Edited 19.04.2013 02:46 by Guest )

Great stuff - it's good to see Nintendo DS continually on the up in Japan, hopefully we'll see a mirror of this when the rest of the titles make it to the West very soon.

Mario Kart DS still in the top 10 - hooray!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Guest 25.05.2006#6

3rd parties DS on the up? Smilie

3rd party's On any Nintendo format on the up!

Once again Nintendo owns the charts. Nice to see MK back up there, I think MK has been a very pleasant surprise; it has not dropped out of the top 15 since it launched I believe.

1.) hack//G.U. Vol. 1 (Bandai, PS2) - 90,946 | NEW

That's one of those games that sounds like you're taking the piss when you describe it isn't it.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

WOW great sales for Nintendo but you got to feel sorry for CAPCOM
-18. Okami (PS2)

hopefully this will change their minds and make OKAMI for Wii/DS Smilie c'mon CAPCOM you know you want to!!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

As usual ninty dominates the charts

Outstanding hardware sales! The PSP is laughably behind! The 360 still hasn't sold more than the GC this year (should've by next month though). 19 DS titles in the top 50!

Have to agree, Okami for Wii is a must!!! Please Capcom. You haven't announced any Wii games yet so make us all happy.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

That's my only problem about Nintendo...It's always them that's going to end up making the big money cause of their franchisees...3rd parties have no chance against them

Again, pretty damn amazing! After last week I thought the DS Lite might drop again (to about 50,000 ish) but nope, it really is destroying the competition.

Now I just want to find that quote from Iwata saying that if the DS sold just a proportion of what the GBA did they'd be happy. Smilie

tiamat1990 that is the DUMBEST thing I've ever heard!! Incredible hardware sales, selling 8 times more than the PSP the closest hardware competitor?! WOW!!!

The DSL sold almost three times as much as the entire competition! Look at the difference between first and second. Smilie

Aren't they still suffering from shortages over there too? So demand is even higher than these hardware figures suggest! What I'd do for a couple'a hundred Nintendo shares...Smilie

Less posty, more gamey.

i beg Nintendo to make some more of the standard DS as well. I just wanna see week after week both the DS and DSL eliminate allllll competition

XBOX! 20! *dies*

Awesome stuff for DS Smilie

Thing is, that's not even the lowest the XBOX has hit...it landed at 16 a short while back! Smilie But this IS a new low for the GBA...

That 'phat' DS is still bouncing up and down like a yo-yo it seems. With NSMB selling 480,000 just on its first day, DS Lites are going to be flying off the shelves...if there's any left!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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