Nintendo News | Miyamoto Talks Starfox Wii

By Adam Riley 24.05.2006 23

Quick News - is reporting that the latest issue of Famitsu magazine has an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto where states a new experience would be brought to Starfox with the Wii control system. He also adds he wants to make something not yet seen in a Mario game on the Wii.

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I wander what he wants to do to poor old mario?

A starfox for the Wii would be great, awesome news

( Edited on 24.05.2006 16:23 by skillwill )

( Edited on 24.05.2006 16:23 by skillwill )

Starfox Assault was a huge dissapointment, the graphics, charecters, the.. *urgh*.. voice acting Smilie Lets just hope they don't scrw up the series any more than they have, and get a new team in to do this one Smilie

So, Starfox Adventures was sometimes a bit... for younger audiences, but despite that it was great. But it was not starfox-style. Remember StarfoxFX (as it was called in Germany) - that was Starfox at it's purest.
I didn't like Starfox Assault either and did not buy it, so I would like to have a great Starfox-game. But I can not say how it should look like.
Maybe Rare could come back and make a 2nd 'Adventures'? *gg*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

"He also adds he wants to make something not yet seen in a Mario game on the Wii. "

Aside from spherical gravity, bizare controlls and multiplayer
O_o <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Starfox Assault and Adventures weren't developed by Nintendo Smilie

well, mario doest need much new, but as a comedy aspect, perhaps they could include a blood mode, haha.

Perhaps a Co-op mode? Or has that been done?

Well thats Stafox on the Wii confirmed!! And it sounds like its being developed inhouse Nintendo or at least under very watchful eyes Smilie...which is Great!!

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

I think there was always going to be a Starfox Wii, since the series has appeared one nearly all Nintendo platforms since the SNES (bar the GBA).

And Starfox DS looks great because it's back to its roots, with the original director (producer, maybe?) on-board. If Miyamoto takes control of Starfox Wii it'd be superb!

Oh, and sounds good for more innovation in Super Mario Galaxy Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I like to think that you can turn the controller round like excite truck and use it as a steering wheel for the R - wing

That'd be cool, but I'd rather see the controller being held in an upright position to simulate a pilots joystick.
Or perhaps controlling the Arwing with the left Nunchuk, then the Wiimote could be used as a glock to perform intergalatic drive-by's...( said in jest )

( Edited on 24.05.2006 20:15 by SKI )

Nintendo shot the series in the back when they forced rare to turn dinosaur planet into adventures. Then they shot it again by giving it to namco.

Nintendo need to make another kick arse in-house Stafox, like lylat wars...*salivates*

( Edited on 24.05.2006 22:20 by knighty )

Nintendo need to make another kick arse in-house Stafox, like lylat wars...*salivates*

I ditto that.

Lylat Wars was one of the best on the 64 and since the days that I played on it, I've wanted a newer better one. Unfortunately, Assault was mediocre and Adventures wasn't a Starfox game. Hopefully, Nintendo will make this in-house. the speech...and...character relations!

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Falco and Katt = awesome Smilie

Lylat Wars is the game that's still sitting in my N64 downstairs....the only N64 game I play anymore. I have a rom too but...ugh.....the keyboard is not made for the N64. C-buttons are impossible.

I think I had Lylat Wars.. was that the one with the meteor shower, and one of the meteors had a face on it, and it was a cheat.. or something?

They need to remember that Starfox = railshooter, maybe they should just spend the money on bagging a Panzer Dragoon exclusive which would be infinately better.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Yes, thats right. They want to make SF DS all free roaming which isn't good. Starfox is only supposed to have the odd bit of free roaming levels, like when you're fighting star wolf.

Lets all not forget the possiblity that there was a StarFox2 that was never released on the SNES that might be coming to the virtual console, thus attaining some type of unique control scheme. Nintendo still, has yet to announce the application of WiiMote controlled virtual console games, but has also not denied it when asked.

-- ** A S H ** --

I love Starfox: Adventures. Despite it deviating from the traditional Starfox formula, it was a very solid game. It was well done, immersive and loads of fun to play. The gameplay was great and the visuals were stunning.

Starfox Assault was an absolute blast to play, as well. It took the original formula and expanded it greatly. I loved the whole free roaming, grab any vehicle/weapon aspect in addition to the traditional corridor shooter modes. The visuals were gorgeous and the voice acting was great. I found the voice acting to be a big step up from Lylat Wars. The multiplayer modes are were this game blows the roof off the house and really shines. It would have been awesome if Nintendo had included LAN mode like they had originally planned.

( Edited on 24.05.2006 23:48 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

I like Star Fox Adventures because it expanded upon what Star Fox could be. Limiting it to a rail shooter would be a mistake. The only thing with Adventures that I didn't like, as far as game design goes, is that it didn't really allow for a player to go anywhere and everywhere simply by jumping into their ship and fly off. By this I mean in one seamless transition, I should be able to run around the planet, hop into a ship and travel across the planet. If I choose to I can also walk across the planet (or ride a land vehicle or animal) and be able to get to the same place (I should be able to call upon my ship to do bomb drops or pick me up). Rail shooting segments can be dotted around the map as well like going through a cavern and such when chasing a bad guy. I'd also like to seamlessly go from ground level and travel up to space without cinematics and cuts and travel across to distant planets or asteroids. That one should be like Wing Commander, where you can travel for as long as you like, or press auto pilot and you'll see a brief cutscene of your journey (stopped only if you ever encounter something important). Star Fox should really be more like that. Online co-op and skirmishes would be nice too. I envision dozens of players all on the same side trying to take out a fleet of invaders and taking out command ships together. Some can man turrets on capital ships while others take flight on Arwings or man tanks. Some can be on foot and try to get turret stations on the ground, sabotage installations (think C&C engineers), repair stuff, or get picked up on Arwings and ride on the wing (much like in Assault). They can also parachute down or use a jet pack. I'm talking about Star Wars / Independence Day type battles here. Mecha units would be a nice addition too. It's ambitious, I know.

( Edited on 25.05.2006 08:51 by Questworld )

Ben said
I think I had Lylat Wars.. was that the one with the meteor shower, and one of the meteors had a face on it, and it was a cheat.. or something?

Nah, that was Starwing on the SNES. Lylat Wars was the sequel to it.

As SKI said, I think it would be sweet to have the Wii-mote act as a pilots joystick. I'm certain this game will go online and as much as I would like to see huge squadrons of fighters taking to the skies to fight I know it won't. It'll be more of an every-man-for-himself situation. In the free roaming sections like fighting Starwolf and the protect the orbital gate level from Assault, I want to see more manouvres than the standard loop and U-turn.

Multiplayer dogfights will be the best part of this game as they were in Assault. I can see what Namco were trying to do with unlockable levels and different ships to pilot, but it didn't work the way it should've. I have high hopes for this game.

By the way, Assault ruled! Just a bit short, that's all.

If the time comes don't hesitate, just act.

Ben said:
Perhaps a Co-op mode? Or has that been done?
Not that I can recall... Maybe even an online Co-op mode? That's 2 things that Mario's never done before! More convenient to hit two birds with one stone Smilie Might have to be a pretty large stone though...

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