Nintendo Wii News | Ubi Soft Get Lost

By James Temperton 23.05.2006 17

Everyone who is anyone has heard of Lost, annoying people always seem to be talking about it and stupid people keep on trying to persuade less stupid people that they know what is going on. Are the people in Lost dead? Are they in purgatory? Are they alive? Who cares? To celebrate this inevitable cash-in opportunity, Ubi Soft have struck a deal with Touchstone to make videogames based on the TV show. So far it has been confirmed for the PC and major consoles with a release date of '2007' stated. We'll have more information just as soon as we can find it. Until then, quotes...

"We are delighted to work with Bryan Burk, one of the biggest producers in Hollywood and with Touchstone Television," said Yves Guillemot, CEO of Ubisoft. "That they have chosen us for the adaptation of the cult series 'Lost' is the best homage that a producer can make to the creativity of Ubisoft."

"This deal is another example of how truly powerful the 'Lost' brand is," said Bruce Gersh, senior vice president, business development, ABC Entertainment and Touchstone Television. "We are excited to work together with Ubisoft to create a gaming experience that will allow fans to further immerse themselves into the mysteries and intrigues of the series."

"The creative appeal of 'Lost' transcends borders with its character driven stories and addictive mysterious mythology," said Julia Franz, executive vice president, Touchstone Television. "It's not enough for fans worldwide to just watch 'Lost,' the game is a wonderful opportunity to organically extend this creative phenomenon into an interactive consumer experience."

"Many of us on 'Lost' have been hardcore gamers for years and the chance to work with Ubisoft, a company behind some of our favourite titles, has excited us to no end," said 'Lost' producer Bryan Burk. "With the ability to tell new interactive stories within the 'Lost' universe, we're giddy to be developing a game that, once completed, will be as engaging and fun to play as it is to create."


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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Lost... I am a bit lost when it comes to this kind of franchises. I personally think that CSI - The Game was a bit ...improper to make a console game of and Lost seems to share this opinion in my crazy brain (along with Barbie and Teletubbies). When they make a great game of it - okay, then have a go. But all these games are selling because of people knowing the name and not knowing how the game works. Like Ice Age, Harry Potter and the like.

But it is the market for Wii: casual gamers.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Done right, this could be an ace game to accompany an ace series. Done wrong and it could be an absolute mess. Thankfully, it's being done by UbiSoft Montr

Lost (airing in the UK on C4 and E4) will be coming to all major games consoles both home and handheld

That's a very 'EA' type Ubisoft announcement, which usually means that the GBA and DS versions will be total crap. The PS2 and Xbox versions will be playable but not that good, if a GameCube version is made, it'll be a piss poor port of the PS2 game, and an Xbox 360 port of the Xbox game will have slightly better graphics, and the PC version will run very badly, even on the "PS3" pwning machines.

( Edited on 23.05.2006 12:41 by f | j | D )

I hope not, F|j|D...

The story-dea described by Mason would be extremely good. You even can cross the path of the Lost-characters (lending a knife? *g*), but the majority of the game you should be on your own.

Or the could talk to Nintendo, take the packages of 'Lost in Blue', erase the two last words and would have a game with gameplay and not only just the good franchise name.

I hope the make a good game out of it, but with these licenses they seldom did good games!
Hope the division of Beyond Good And Evil brings us a good game...
(Sorry, but I never even saw one episode of Lost...)

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Wahey! Nice, Lost is great and it could turn out pretty good, especially since ubisoft is behind it.

Lost would only work if it was done as
a) Done as a "side story"
b) Set out like an ARG game.

However...a game..where you purhapes are "influenceing" the islanders...maybe you hacked into the computer systems of

The irony of the brand, is theres exactly opertunitys for a game....but not the sort of games that are mass market :p <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I bet it will be a Farcry clone.

Err... What exactly would you do? Try not to get lost?

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

You obviously havn't seen the program >_>"

They better make it good. I'm not wasting my time playing franchise crap that lowers my opinion of what is an awesome show.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

I guess it could play like the sims, i couldnt imagine it any other way.
An adventure game wouldnt work too well, you would have to like help a character eat a sandwich, and debate over who burnt the raft. And then there would be a flashback where you must fill in a lottery card with mysterious numbers. I'd buy that.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

I'm quite into Lost at the moment, hell, its on so I watch it and yeah, I'm enjoying it, am I excited the rights for a video game have been snapped up? No.
Its a good program, but Im too skeptical to make any positive judgement on a game of the series.

I think a straight out action game should be out of the question. It won't work and actual fans of the television series won't be happy with it at all. The developers would just make up a very weak explanation as to why there are thousands of strange men trying to kill you and interlock the games characters experience in with characters from the show.

How about a game covering the Hanso Foundation. The experience of a worker from within it? A game that gives us some insight from within the company, and possibly some clues as to what is going on

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Blade2t3 said:
You obviously havnt seen the program >_>

Sssssh! He's a Kirby fan, he'll puff up and get all angry and everything. Yesh. Smilie

Though I'm with the double ewe tea elf group and wonder why something like Lost - with no easily discernable plots (yep, plural) to follow for some, while the show mainly works on the basis of suspense and 'what the hell is going on?!' moments - will have any place in an A to B game with objectives and a gameplay structure to work with, with intertwining characters. Hm.

This isn't gonna work unless a fair deal of flair and skill is used; a game that you play, no doubt, after the show has finished, won't work on your excitement because you know what's going to happen anyway, and the switching characters and flashbacks will either be removed or edited, or thrown in and you can't skip them. Or all 3.

Verdict; messy.

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{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

This isn't gonna work unless a fair deal of flair and skill is used; a game that you play, no doubt, after the show has finished, won't work on your excitement because you know what's going to happen anyway, and the switching characters and flashbacks will either be removed or edited, or thrown in and you can't skip them. Or all 3.

I'd like the game to be based around the flashbacks instead of the island. At least then they have more versitility.

Race to the airport with Hurley!
Devise a plan to leave your husband with Sun!
Torture people with Sayid!
Perform life-saving, miracle-working operations with Jack!
Get depressed and very drunk with Jack Senior!

And for several seasons scream

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

It could tie up a few loose ends or between shows, like '24: The Game' did.

That game sucked.

Blade2t3 said:
You obviously havnt seen the program >_>
Of course I've seen it... that's why I have absolutely no idea what the hell you could possibly do in a game... I mean nothing actually happens in most of the episodes. Nothing important anyway. I could see it working as a series of mini-games (Trying not to crash the plane, catching fish, shooting polar bears, hitting crazy people who are obsessed with destiny etc...) but almost nothing else could work... Unless they took the easy way out and made sure it had absolutely nothing to do with the program other than the name, and the fact that you get lost...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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