Post E3 2006 | Nintendo Presents Animal Crossing: The Movie

By Adam Riley 14.05.2006 37

Quick News - IGN is reporting that Nintendo has announced Animal Crossing has not only shipped more than 3 million units in Japan alone, but will have an animated movie based on it released in December 2006. Jouji Shimura (Master Keaton & Shin Angyo Onshi is directing and a Western release currently unconfirmed.

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9 Pok

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Claymation would be spectacular and fit Animal Crossing's style very well. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be out for years - I'm banking on anim

Nintendo's... very weird...

SmilieWTF?! What the hell is the movie going to be about?Smilie

It had better be Anime... a CG movie of it would be grotesque Smilie

The more I think of it as an Anime, the more I likes Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I bet it's gonna be REALLY japanese and have loads of themes the west just wouldn't get.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Blade2t3 said:
I bet its gonna be REALLY japanese and have loads of themes the west just wouldnt get.

Like Hentai!? SmilieSmilie


Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Noooooooooooooo you sily arse. Plus Pokemon cartoons/films was created by 4Kids wasn't it? We don't know anything about the nintendo studio and the last time I heard anything about it was they were making a film about japanese poetry for 2006.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Blade2t3 said:
Noooooooooooooo you sily arse. Plus Pokemon cartoons/films was created by 4Kids wasnt it? We dont know anything about the nintendo studio and the last time I heard anything about it was they were making a film about japanese poetry for 2006.

4Kids are an American Voice Actors studio Smilie

The original Pok

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

tiamat1990 said:
SmilieWTF?! What the hell is the movie going to be about?Smilie

Well i sent a letter to one of my Town people (in Bluevale, my town) and they just said my letter was weird! Anyway, here's what i think will happen:

Animal Crossing the Movie: Curse of the Nook Empire

Admiring his empire of all towns in animal land, Tom Nook see's an opportunity to expand his money making schemes and keeping his influence truely over all enslaving every animal to plant/pick money tree's in a never ending cycle! Without hope, the animals do Nooks bidding. Conversations of Fossils are gone and deliverys from one another are at a standstill, the lost. Until, KK Slider comes to the rescue! Alarmed at how rapidly all towns could be enslaved since his last gig the previous saturday, he encourages help from Booker and the Able sisters to lead a revolutionary riot against Tom Nooks Evil Empire (or TNEE, for short). Burning every tree and house is the only way forward, as there will be nothing but barren land, leaving KK (golden axe in hand) to run Nook out of town! Though this might seem stupid, KK has secretly advised all villagers to take out insurance with the insurance guy...thereby giving them all enough money to import there own furniture and fruit from oversea's! Yay, Robo-furniture all round!

I'm gonna rate this 18, due to the fact KK does infact catch up wth Nook on the GC AC express...a deadly axefight to the end in the last carriage! Oh lord what a film! Smilie

The Pok

I want a film like this.

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