Atari would be the next biggest thing to include. I bet that'd draw in some gamers who were then when games started and have since strayed from games. The other consoles like the commodore would have the cult followings jump aboard I bet, which is always good.
I'm hoping they let the cd-i on board. I used to have one, but it broke or something a few years ago. I don't even know if I have the games around. I would love to play them again. Besides, there were a handful of nintendo games on it, I had Mario Motel Madness or something (which I quite enjoyed at the time, thought it should be remembered I liked it when I couldn't beat the second level). I think I've heard of there being some sorta zelda game, too. The cd-i was a phillips console, wasn't it? I don't think it'd be "that" hard to get the games on VC as I don't think they have any loyalties to microsoft or sony. Fingers crosed at any rate.