E3 2003 | Press Release | Wario World Information

By Lee Sanders 13.05.2003 1

E3 2003 | New Information | Wario World
Game Data

Wario World on GameCube? Ages off, you're probably thinking. Error. It's out next month?

A shocking annoucement today from Nintendo as they announced new information on the plat former, Wario World.
It appears that Mario's nemesis will be occupying your local GameCube from the 20th June! Amazing, as the American verison hits stores on the 23rd Of June! We are getting this game before anyone else!

Here are a few new details on the game.
After collecting, or probably stealing, a mysterious black jewel, the moustachioed miscreant discovers his new treasure has turned all his other gems into monsters. We hate it when that happens, and so does Wario as he's going to have to catch them all to regain his wealth.
In an uncharacteristic turn of events, Wario will be aided in his quest by a load of colourful fairies. Whatever happened to grumbling and kicking things, eh?


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