E3 2006 Media | Nintendo Unveils Jump Super Stars Online!

By Adam Riley 11.05.2006 19

Quick News: Word has just come in from Japan that Nintendo will be bringing a sequel to the half-million plus seller Jump Super Stars on the Nintendo DS, developed by Ganbarion. Tentatively titled 'Jump Super Stars 2', this time round it will feature online play via the Wi-Fi Connection service. Check out the first scans of the game below:

  • Jump Superstars 2 Scans

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    Good news! With online play, this games gonna sell superbly, well, in Japan! I'm under no illusions this'll make it over here....so importing this is gonna be high on my agenda. Smilie

    Excellent stuff Smilie Wi-Fi connection will definitely definitely cause a shite load of people to buy the game. I hear in Japan their average net speed is what we consider super-fast over here!

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Yay, finally a game with Naruto NOT in Japanese.Smilie
    I think this game will be great, so many manga/anime lovers have waited for this, only settled with the Japanese version.

    OH MY GOD!!! Someone in Japan got a decent scanner!!! Smilie

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Wasn't the original supposed to be HUGE? Too bad it didn't seem to last in the charts in the long run, maybe the sequel can do even better! Smilie

    DBZ, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece... many many more!!! and Online play this is sure to sell more then the first game!!!

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    This most likely wont come to the West though. Its got a chance but highly unlikely. The first one is alright to work around. Sure you need a guide to start off with but u get used to not using one!

    iiNnYLF2t3-781-NF said:
    This most likely wont come to the West though. Its got a chance but highly unlikely. The first one is alright to work around. Sure you need a guide to start off with but u get used to not using one!

    Yeah, I was planing on getting one to Gamecube, but I have no idea where to find a guide. And I prefer to play games with an controller than having the screen between my hands, so to speak. But we'll see whats in the future.

    fenno2001 said:
    Wasnt the original supposed to be HUGE? Too bad it didnt seem to last in the charts in the long run, maybe the sequel can do even better! Smilie

    fenno, read what I wrote in the story (yes, my story - damn JB posting my stuff as his own AGAIN!! :tongueSmilie. The game has gone on to sell over half a million units on the DS in Japan, making it one of the biggest selling games on the system.

    Hardly dropping off quickly... Smilie

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    jesusraz said:
    fenno2001 said:Wasnt the original supposed to be HUGE? Too bad it didnt seem to last in the charts in the long run, maybe the sequel can do even better! Smilie
    fenno, read what I wrote in the story (yes, my story - damn JB posting my stuff as his own AGAIN!! :tongueSmilie. The game has gone on to sell over half a million units on the DS in Japan, making it one of the biggest selling games on the system.Hardly dropping off quickly... Smilie

    Adam Riley- Frightening knowledge of the Japanese charts Smilie

    Hope this does well, slight danger of it being swallowed up by the SSBB news and hype.

    The game has gone on to sell over half a million units on the DS in Japan, making it one of the biggest selling games on the system.

    Hardly dropping off quickly...

    I know half a million just in Japan is fantastic, but compared to games like Animal Crossing and various Brain Training games (which have sold 2 million+ just in Japan) it wasn't quite the massive game it was rumoured to be...although of course it's still done very well Smilie

    Thing is, at the time the DS hadn't 'taken off' like it has done now. At the time it had the largest pre-orders of ANY DS game before it (something like ~270,000, selling ~250,000 in its first week). This was thought to be spectacular at the time, because most DS games were hitting around 20,000-30,000 in their first week MAXIMUM, then disappearing into the aether...

    So it all becomes relative. Looking at how the DS reportedly sold nearly a 1/4 million Lite units this week (!!!), and thinking about how many of those buyers are anime fans...the potential is amazing. Just look at how Tetris, something as damn simple as Tetris online, is well on-track for reaching a million sales. Two weeks and it already looks like having the legs to make a million...that's damn scary.

    Ganbarion, the developer of this, did a superb job the first time round, and with more time to pour into this version (I still haven't seen anywhere else say it's online...so I'm worried about mis-translations...let's hope not!) it should be bloody amazing. And with more and more new anime shows coming to the US each month, by the time this hits (in Winter, missed that out, sorry!) it should be ready to 'test the water' in the US.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    PLEEEEEEASE let this game come to the U.K!! I wanna kick some buttock with Ichigo ON-frikkin-LINE!!! W00tZ!!111

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    It'd be nice if it will be released here first of allSmilie

    But we know it won't...Copyright nightmareSmilie

    C3 Naked Man said:
    This most likely wont come to the West though. Its got a chance but highly unlikely. The first one is alright to work around. Sure you need a guide to start off with but u get used to not using one!

    Almost an impossible chance of coming to N/A because of licensing issues, thats why they didn't release the first one in N/A. It would be great if it could be released here, but o well, Japanese is still fine for me.

    Isn't this thread like... months old?

    Maybe they could just ignore all the licensing crap and just release it anyway!!!

    I'm too optimistic >_>

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    They ignore liscencing crap and they get their asses sued.

    And yes, this thread is months old.

    Well I don't really get why it would be so much harder to license it in America than it was to license it in Japan... Surely it'd be the same thing?

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Megadanxzero said:
    Well I dont really get why it would be so much harder to license it in America than it was to license it in Japan... Surely itd be the same thing?

    No, you can copyright things for appearing in a specific country and not in others. This is why in Shenmue 2 the character "Cool J" changed his name because LL Cool J had copywritten his name in the UK and america.

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