E3 2003 | New Game | Far East of Eden

By Adam Riley 13.05.2003 1

Hudson & Konami | More Support for the GC

The Japanese website QUITER has just reported that the Nintendo GameCube will see two brand new games from the Tengai Makyou franchise over the period of the next twelve months.

First of all there will be a port of Tengai Makyou 2: Manjimaru, with the proposed GameCube version actually hitting retail shelves before the planned PS2 version! Following this, an entirely new iteration of the series will launch around Spring time in 2004, again for the GameCube - it's name: Tengai Makyou 3: Namida.

Tengai Makyou roughly translates as Far East of Eden, and the games are almost totally unknown in North America or Europe. But the franchise, developed by Hudson Soft and published by Konami normally, is extremely popular over in Japan. The series have spanned many consoles over the years, including the PC-Engine, Super Famicom (SNES) and Sega Saturn. Due to their past record, it is still unknown whether the games will cross the ocean, but, as always, keep it here and you'll be the first to know if anything occurs...

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