E3 2006 Video | Zelda: Twilight Princess Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.05.2006 26

With Zelda being a main focus of just about every E3 in recent history, the Hylian hero - fearful of being taken off the spotlight - has returned in yet another stunning video of his next adventure, Twilight Princess.

Confirmed for both Wii and GameCube, the adventure can be played on either format with two different (control) versions being avaliable for the Zelda hungry gamer.

The video details Link with an improved look, added detail and some very gorgeous surroundings. From the expansive fields of Hyrule to the vibrant and busy town, there is certainly a lot of eye candy in this video.

Unfortunately there isn't a higher resolution video avaliable at time of writing, but stay tuned for updates.

Stick with C3 for further Twilight Princess updates and exclusive hands-on from the show floor.

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I loved this video! Very Nice Cubed3! Smilie



*wets pants*

Oh my FREAKING god!!Smilie


Smiliethey one thing i want to know will the game look better on wii? ^^ i cant wait to use the bow from the 1st time ^^

Fucks looking great. I can't believe how much better it looks with every new official trailer. This game is going to own hard. I am gonna buy both versions.

@Revolution: could you please tell me how to save that swf video in my hdd? I tried but it doesn't work.
I need to show it to some firends of mine =P
Zelda absolutely ROX!

Gna be pretty good, couldnt do better myself Smilie

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

Zelda rocks!! This looks simply awesome. I'm not as excited as I was for the other E3 shows, but this definitely has so much potential to be the best Zelda adventure yet.

Awesome Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

This will be the best Zelda ever, nay best game ever. Any news about Phantom Hourglass yet?

i assume thats the GC version!!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Yup, looks amazing. Lighting is just staggering.

Are there going to be better graphics on the Wii version? I know it will be widescreen on Wee but what else?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Probably not too much of a diffrence just a few bells and whistles.

Is any one reminded of the aqua boss from Metroid Prime 2 when they see that fish thing? Oh well... Breath taking footage for sure!

Im just gonna buy it for the cube.



Cool to see footage of Link riding Epona, always my favourite thing to do in Zelda games!

I am gonna buy both versions.

I thought there was just going to be one version with Wii compatibility for those who have it and playing fine on the Cube for those who don't
the adventure can be played on either format with two different (control) versions being avaliable for the Zelda hungry gamer.

Doesn't this suggest that there's only one version to BUY but two different ways to play?...or am i mistaken?

I'm getting sort of bored of this game now...but I just know I'm going to buy it at launch regardless! Smilie

( Edited on 10.05.2006 18:09 by fenno2001 )

I'm split between which version to get.Smilie

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Gotta be Wii for me, at first it seemed like it might just feature gimmicky extras but after seeing it in action - I can't miss out on it! Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

yeah i'll probably go for the Wee version as well. The controls seem to be well thought out and don't dramaticaly change how the game was meant to be.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

i don't see any video other than a blank space. Smilie

You need Flash Player 7 or above.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Truly gorgeous. Just goes to show that you don't need to times your hardware by stupid amounts to get good results - sticking with GC alone will get you fantastic stuff!

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