UK Chart Highlights LXVII | Nintendo

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.05.2006 8

UK Chart Highlights LXVII
...Nintendo's Hunting Season

Your weekly UK Chart Round-Up brought to you by stat-man jesusraz. Remember, the images here do not reflect actual sales!

Success beyond our expectations
Nintendo may have struggled to re-capture some of its former glory over here in the UK, with its major successes still stemming from the days of the Super Nintendo, but the tide does indeed appear to be at last turning thanks to heavy retail promotional work. Now the company is stepping up a gear with even more big name releases before the DS Lite hits the streets sometime in the summer.

World Cup fever grows...
Unexpectedly, EA Sports' World Cup 2006 tie-in retains the No.1 crown this week, with Tomb Raider once more resigned to 2nd position as the football game rises a total of 38% across all formats. The PC version of Advance Warfighter helps the game shuffle up eight to No.3, and The Godfather barges back up to No.4. Nintendo's Animal Crossing continues to impress, dipping just another place to No.5 with another DS game just behind it. The heavily pushed Wi-Fi enabled Metroid Prime Hunters easily out-does the GameCube's Echoes (which barely scraped the Top 40) by hitting home at No.6! But can it hold on like AC? We shall see...Meanwhile, the PS2 release of Championship Manager pushes the game back up seven to No.10.

Elsewhere in the Top 40 Full Price Chart, Football Manager 2006 falls eleven to No.14 due to the PSP version losing a LOT of steam and the No.1 PSP exclusive Socom title, US Navy Seals drops four to No.20, with the PSP's No.3 game, Splinter Cell Essentials down from No.15 to No.23! Seems the DS domination is gradually mounting, as is seen with the quirkily addictive Trauma Centre, which surprisingly rises five to No.28 (despite reports of major stock shortages!). The GBA exclusive Dogz is back in at No.32, despite being terrible, the very decent DS puzzle 'em-up, Pok

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Sweet, so nice to actually own a console that is successful in the UK.
I predict that New Super Mario Bros will outsell both MP:H and Ac:WW over here. The nostalgia factor will sell copies alone.

I agree, but lets not take anything away from AC:WW and Hunters. Having them both in the top 10 is a feat in itself. I thought Hunters would struggle, but it just goes to show that Metroid is still quite popular. Hopefully they'll both have some staying power.

Robbo said:
I agree, but lets not take anything away from AC:WW and Hunters. Having them both in the top 10 is a feat in itself. I thought Hunters would struggle, but it just goes to show that Metroid is still quite popular. Hopefully theyll both have some staying power.

Oh yeah, the simple fact is that two series that were ignored last gen have made a dent and outsold some decent titles.

Nintendos marketing and avdertising is paying off, good to see that they've learnt form thier mistakes from N64/GC era.

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

I think Hunters will probably drop quickly but it is encouraging to see it land in quite high up in the chart. Hopfully it won't drop to badly.

I think that Hunters will drop pretty steeply, but thats what I thought about Animal Crossing, , and thats still high up in the charts, so you never knowSmilie, the UK charts amaze me

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

Its good to see Nintendo make a impact on the UK charts, Trauma also done well better then I expected making it 27 in the charts. I hope to see animal crossing, Metroid Prime Hunters up in the top 10 for longer.

Nintendos marketing and avdertising is paying off, good to see that they've learnt form thier mistakes from N64/GC era.


This is great stuff...although the article seems to claim that both Animal Crossing and Metroid are at number 5?

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