E3 2006 News | Nintendo Conference Coverage

By James Temperton 08.05.2006 12

Cubed3 Coverage: We will be providing you with live coverage of the Nintendo Conference from LA the second it kicks off. We've got two people in attendance and a dedicated team here in the UK who will be bringing you the best coverage around. Timing here in the UK is 17.30 BST (18.30 CET/19.30 PST), so be sure to have your browser pointer at Cubed3 for what promises to be one of the biggest gaming conferences ever. Nintendo Wii, Zelda, Metroid, Mario, the Nintendo DS and much more, and we'll have it all live. Stay tuned!

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Fingers crossed the servers can cope with the traffic! Smilie

I was about to say the same...God please make the server run fine this year^^
I'll be with you guys!
Can't f***ing wait=P

The servers WILL be fine. We're sorted for this one.

Good luck with everything guys, I know E3 can be a nightmare for game sites.Smilie

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

nightmares an understatemtn, its like hell on earth, good luck guysSmilie

( Edited on 08.05.2006 23:08 by tismatron )

HazukiSan said:
The servers WILL be fine. Were sorted for this one.

Is that a Hazuki promise? Smilie Well i'm gonna have to rush home from work to make sure i can stare at all the Ninty goodness coming our way!

Jeez, we don't get coverage until 2:30 in the morning here down under.

Jeez, we don't get coverage until 2:30 in the morning here down under.

Just change your clock Smilie (Or move to the UK!)

I hope nintendo have a couple of surprises up their sleeves as well, although there's already plenty to talk about!

It's amazing how many Sony fanboys are already converting to Wii or even 360! Sony screwed up BIG TIME! 5KG's for a console where original XBOX was like 3.6KG's. LOL. Significantly bigger than the original XBOX also, Wii Wii Wii!


ill just be watching it on gamespot.

Kangaroo, where are you? Canberra here. I am staying up for this one. Just watched Sony's conference, oooh harsh as. While the Sony marketing team will be getting fired, Nintendo's marketing team will be getting promotions.


omg Metroid Prime 3 Coruption SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie im serious it brought a tear to my eye!!! I cant beleive how good that conference was

( Edited on 09.05.2006 19:09 by Nintendo_Maniac )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

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