Industry News | Yuji Naka Forms Independent Studio

By Adam Riley 08.05.2006 9

SEGA of America, Inc. and SEGA Europe, Ltd. today announced a new partnership with PROPE, Ltd., a new video game development studio based in Tokyo, Japan. PROPE, Ltd. will develop original content for the next generation consoles.
Effective June 1, 2006, Mr. Naka will leave his post as Creative Officer for Research and Development at SEGA Corporation and will become CEO and President of PROPE, Ltd. Mr. Naka has been the creative force behind such SEGA brands as Sonic The Hedgehog and Phantasy Star. SEGA will make a 10% investment in PROPE, Ltd. and will be the company's exclusive global publisher. This landmark announcement between SEGA and Mr. Naka is the first arrangement to emerge from SEGA's Game Creator Independence Program, which will be organized to promote entrepreneurial business spin-offs with its internal development talent.

Yuji Naka, CEO and President of PROPE, Ltd went on record to say:

"We named our company PROPE in the hopes of bringing game entertainment much closer to users, establishing closer ties between users and us, and creating near future entertainment. I am looking forward to the challenge of embarking on this new entrepreneurial venture supported by such a powerful global publisher as SEGA."

Naoya Tsurumi, Chief Executive Officer, SEGA of America, Inc. and SEGA Europe, Ltd. continued with:

"Mr. Naka is an incredible industry visionary and as SEGA continues to align itself with top development talent, we are extremely excited to partner with PROPE."

The agreement is the latest in a string of similar announcements from SEGA that underscore the company's increased emphasis on external content development. Previously, SEGA announced partnerships with developers Obsidian Entertainment, Silicon Knights, Bizarre Creations, Monolith Productions (Condemned: Criminal Origins), and Pseudo Interactive (Full Auto). SEGA also acquired development powerhouse The Creative Assembly (Total War series) in 2005 as well as US developer Secret Level and UK based studio, Sports Interactive in 2006.

"PROPE" (pronounced "pro-pe") is a Latin word which means "beside" and "near" future. Future information for PROPE, Ltd. will be announced on their website at

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What will he add to the Wii-games? Has he a unique view on games? Is he like a Hideo Kojima or does he invent something like Odama?
Sorry, but I do not know this man. (me an ignorant fool? *g*)

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
What will he add to the Wii-games? Has he a unique view on games? Is he like a Hideo Kojima or does he invent something like Odama?Sorry, but I do not know this man. (me an ignorant fool? *g*)

Yuji Naka is very much "Mr Sonic". He's quite an innovative chap, with NiGHTS being his artistic peak so far so he could certainly do something special now he's away from the controlling hand of Sega.

You think this could be lead to the rumoured "flying jester" project coming for Wii?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

He's still affiliated with SEGA though, correct? It's quite sad to see him leave Sonic Team, what with him founding it and all, but hopefully this will help him create the games he wants to. It'd be nice to see him back occasionally to help out with Sonic titles, though.

( Edited on 08.05.2006 15:02 by Mason )

Sad indeed, but so long as he's still making games I'm good!

Being a co-creator and all, I wonder if he still has the rights to make Sonic games under his own steam?

Could rejuvinate the franchise!

Good luck to him either way. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

I have a feeling that this will benefit him and Sonic team. He did some stupid things to the Sonic franchise and it will be good to see him back in a more creative position.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Well, 10% of the set-up fund is from Sega, so whatever the case Naka-san will have support from his former company. Unless this is just like Clover Studios or Kojima's team...just slight off-shoots of the parent companies.

Whatever the case, it bodes well for Nights on Wii because Naka is such a Nintendo / Miyamoto fan...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
Unless this is just like Clover Studios or Kojimas team...just slight off-shoots of the parent companies.

That's what I'm imagining.

Mason said:
jesusraz said:Unless this is just like Clover Studios or Kojimas team...just slight off-shoots of the parent companies.
Thats what Im imagining.

Same here, good thing is Clover/Kojima do have more freedom than when they were 1st party and hopefully naka gets the same.

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