Nintendo News | Time for Zelda and Wario Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.05.2006 24

The Wii, Nintendo's upcoming home console, is set to take gaming experiences to a whole next level that promises to have you fully immersed within the gaming environment.

In recent months the gaming community has been teased by reporters and publications that have had a glimpse or, better so, hands on experience with the innovative controller and demonstrations. Nintendo's concept trailer showed various amusing and interesting ways to use the remote, from slashing a sword to conducting music, cooking and catching weird fish.

In the upcoming edition of popular US magazine TIME, reports from the net have confirmed a very large spread with very special hands on with the Wii. Whilst previous reports have revealed different ideas behind what the controller can do, the magazine takes it one step further with an exclusive look at the upcoming Zelda adventure, Twilight Princess and the unique series, Warioware.

We won't print the entire article for obvious reasons, but a short snippet reveals just how appealing and innovative the Wii promises to be.

An extremely lucky reporter managed to be shown the new controller by the game designer legend Shigeru Miyamoto, "which to a gamer is the rough equivalent of getting to trade bons mots with Jerry Seinfeld". The first title, Wario Ware is a great way to demonstrate the capabilities of the Wii without appearing too tacky, and much like the original has a pack of quick mini-games one after another. The tasks set aren't too surreal, but require quick action as ever

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Simply brilliant news. A tennis game confirmed and it sounds immense, nice to see TIME magazine impressed, big brownie points for Nintendo PR.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Oh god I forsee Mario Tennis. More slugglish treacle controls... Oh sorry.. Wooo!!! [/fanboyism]

Guest 07.05.2006#3

My thoughts exactly, James, I know the news has been posted elsewhere before but nevertheless any news is good enough. A definate good start.

Well if it was mario it probably would have been mentioned but it could a game similer to TouchGolf were it has a real look to it. As i said inthe other thread wario ware could seriously give Sonys Eye toy part game range a run for it's money and it certainly sounds fun.Smilie

To be honest I'm getting slightly scared by the Wii's innovation on gaming. I suppose I might have felt this way if I was the age I am now as I entered the 3D era. Never the less, good news... I think.

It's simply fabulous news; I wouldn't be surprised to see both Wii exclusive games (Wario Ware and a tennis title) at launch, they'd both give the system a huge boost and convince more people about the possibilities of the system.

I'm impressed with being able to put spin on the ball by hitting it at certain angles....

Sounds almost too good to be true.

I wonder how active you have to be to play them though, he seemed to be describing like he was putting a fair bit of effort in compared to just flicks of the wrist.

It's all going to be about the games - I don't think we could sum it up by saying every game will just use wrist flicks, and we can't say all games are going to be extremely active. I imagine sports titles with bats will require big movements, and will probably be more comfortable to stand up playing, like you would with, say, Guitar Hero, while others will be suitable to you doing tiny movements, such as FPS'.

One thing that's definitely got me interested in the Wii is not having to necessarily press the buttons at the right time, but maybe relying on hand movements and speed etc - so hopefully I can win at something for once

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Everything is brillent...but..

"The tasks set aren't too surreal,"

:X <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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This is awesome news for Nintendo!!

jb said:
One thing thats definitely got me interested in the Wii is not having to necessarily press the buttons at the right time, but maybe relying on hand movements and speed etc - so hopefully I can win at something for once

This probably means I'll lose more. Then again, maybe it'll just make me better at games...I really don't know which way it'll swing!

You know how it was said that nunchuck controller has an accelerometer in it. I bet in Legend of Zelda; TP fishing part, they will use the nunchuck as a reel and the wii-mote as the rod.

gone with the wind

The tennis game sounds great! That's about as close to the real thing as you can come I imagine. I'm not sure how two players would work (in the same room, online would be great though). And Warioware sounds awesome! The Wii is going to be awesome...sadly this means I'll be as broke as ever...

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

No problem for the tip JB, im sure you had it already and your just being modest Smilie, but I also think its fantastic that you read your mail so quickly,
what fantastic service Smilie.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

You know how it was said that nunchuck controller has an accelerometer in it.

Maybe, it was just a rumour.

He had obviously never played the console before and from the way he spoke about it, it sounded very accurate and responsive.

I wonder if I go to play another console, if I will play it any different. Like if I start swinging my old SNES controller around the room trying to make Donkey Kong jump.

If only they would still change the name back to Revolution! All would be well, and Nintendo would COMPLETELY overwhelm Sony's PS3!

Kangaroo_Kiid said:
Maybe, it was just a rumour.

The accelerometer in the nunchuk: it's fact. A higher-up in EA mentioned it during an interview.

What a brilliant piece of news! Wario Ware confirmed for Wii, a tennis game - possibly Mario Tennis- confirmed for Wii. I simply cannot wait until tomorrow.

Full article is on Time's website now...well, they'll take it off after a week or so...

Look at the top right of the zelda pic, Wii controller buttons Smilie, is that a Wii Tennis game?

( Edited on 08.05.2006 20:47 by Monkey Wii. Luffy )

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }
Guest 08.05.2006#23

Why does that Zelda screenshot look so strange?
And that tennis game looks nice enough, unlike those Tony Hawk screenshots...YUCK!

Also here is a bigger version of those Time images: click
another source

( Edited on 08.05.2006 21:10 by )

Looks like they might have revamped the textures in Zelda a bit judging by that screen.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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