Nintendo Wii Screens | One Piece: Ultimate Adventure

By John Boyle 05.05.2006 6

Okay, so first of all yes they are very small screens. And secondly yes you can't see much but these seem to be some of the first shots of a game running on the Wii.

Nice, crisp cel-shaded graphics and some nice lighting in one of the screens but probably best to think of this as just whetting the appetite for E3 starting.
And interesting note, they are still calling it the Revolution in one scan, looks like we're not losing that codename just yet.

One Piece: Ultimate Adventure is an upcoming title for Nintendo's next home console that features the popular anime/manga series, One Piece. Monkey D. Luffy, who gained powers whilst eating fruit, and his crew look out for the ultimate treasure known as "One Piece".

Stick with C3 for future updates.

Source: NeoGAF.

Box art for One Piece: Unlimited Adventure



Namco Bandai





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Just one word here... Incredible!!
I gotta say, that's some incredible graphics! They look so.. smooth... and so colorfull...

I'm liking this - seen a few episodes of the show in English, pretty darn good. This is one that'll definitely shoot up sales for the Wii in Japan.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Like I said before, my favorite anime!!

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

Monkey Wii. Luffy said:
Like I said before, my favorite anime!!

Would never have guessed SmilieSmilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Let's wait until May 9th before we condemn or praise Nintendo, particularly in the graphics department. So far the scnas of this and Red Steel suggest that the WII has superior graphical power over and above the Gamecube, which is what most of us want but we haven't seen anything in motion. In just 3 days we'll know everything. Judgement Day is nigh!

The graphics look rather good, but I anticipate seeing movies and official screens rather than scans from magazines to get a better impression.

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