It was assumed that when earlier this year Blitz announced its intentions to bring something special to the Nintendo Wii (ne
By Adam Riley 03.05.2006
It was assumed that when earlier this year Blitz announced its intentions to bring something special to the Nintendo Wii (ne
Indeed BIG dissapointment... Although when I read the title of this article I thought Blitz was disappointed in the name or something
I still dont get the hype over spongebob, i think its overated but nonetheless that title is slightly misleading
Not that i'm suprised. Those moronic tossers at Blitz still see Nintendo as a kiddy comapany so bybringing a Sponge Bob title with "Revolutionary" features over to the Wii wii, is to them a big deal. Let's just hope that the Wii isn't overly urinated with krass wacky kiddy titles like this over more decent and mature IPs. Yeah i 2nd that Shinji. I think 95 percent of developers Nintendo supporters and Journalists are very very dissappointed in the new name. I really think they're beginning to overdo it with this whole ipod, blue ocean pile of crap. The only people that like the name are the Wiiners. (hardcore Nintendo fansboys) who worship Nintendo's every whim, or mistake.
I KNOW i Know!! The name has been out for a while now but still, if ur aiming for all genres, hardcore or casual, young and old people, gmers and non-gamers, how is a name that's Synomyous WITH URINE. That aside you went from a Cool classy name like Revolution that's the coolest name ever to something that lame. It isn't distruptive, it's disturbing and sounds subliminally paedophilic. And any moron that knows a thing or two about Marketing will know it's names that initially what helps to attract buyers. And you want the World to take you seriously???? I'm really really gonna pray for Nintendo's success this time around.
You second me hating the name or did you think the title suggested Blitz hating the name Wii? Cuz I don't hate the name Wii, on the contrary...
they couldnt really keep the name 'revolution' though, as in 10 years time it wont be a revolution in gaming, something else will be. we all knew it was just a codename though...
in regards to the game that blitz are working on well... sucks to be them if it doesn't sell too greatly
edit ~ different use of words
( Edited on 03.05.2006 15:39 by ShinyRainbow )
Yeah you've got a point Shiny Rainbow. (sighs) but why Wii?
It's a major disappointment, as Blitz is working on a few decent looking next-gen games. Shame all we end up with is sodding Spongebob, and not even an exclusive version - it's out on the GC as well!
More than a 'Wii' disappointment...a MAJOR disappointment!
Is it just me or does this really even matter? Their loss...
( Edited on 04.05.2006 23:15 by IAggrey41 )
yay spongebob!! Indeed, this is a big disappointment.
( Edited on 05.05.2006 02:51 by Hawk )
Top 10 on the christmas lists? Get real.