Nintendo Rumour | NEW Super Mario Bros. Fever Grips Japan

By Adam Riley 02.05.2006 12

There are reports from Japan, as reported on Nintendojo FR, that retailers have predicted such strong sales for the forthcoming NEW Super Mario Bros. that they have requested a whopping 1.3 million units from Nintendo for the first shipment of the game. Now, whilst this is not a certain indication of how the game will actually sell, retailers normally know how large demand is set to be and this could result in one of the fastest selling Nintendo DS games launching in Japan on 25th May. cvxfreak of GameScience has also stated that there are currently rumours circulating Japan that to tie-in with NEW Super Mario Bros. there will be a Famicom-themed Nintendo DS Lite heading to the market. However, other than his talk of this, currently no other rumblings have reached Cubed3's ears, although it would be an extremely clever move by Nintendo considering the Famicom Mini version of Super Mario Bros. from the NES has already sold well in excess of a million units thanks to the celebration of the original 8-bit Famicom / NES.

American gamers only have to wait until 15th May for the first true Mario 2D platformer since Super Mario World, whilst Europeans will have to patiently wait until 30th June.

Update: On a side note, Nintendo of America have added another video to the official website for this week's update - definitely worth checking out!

Stick with C3 for further updates...

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Bloody hell! I think we're probably going to have a number one with this one...Smilie

Tihs, Thats allot, Thers a good chance thatll be a top seller, Id buy it

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

Im loving this game already... can't wait to get it.

Great game! Smilie
I may just import it, who knows! Smilie

Oh, just edited this story with a video update - looks great!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'm definitely getting it from my import shop after my birthday Smilie I absolutely LOVE the sidescrolling Mario's, and I'm glad there's a new one in my DS REALLY soon...*Drools*

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

This should do at least three million units in Japan alone, I reckon, considering how strong Mario Bros on Famicom Mini did!

I'm also seriously hoping that rumour of a NES-themed DS is true...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Guest 02.05.2006#7

I'm hoping those chinese factory workers will survive.Smilie

why a NES themed DS?

that would be sooo wrong

it should be Super Famicom

But the Famicom's anniversary was why the all the NES-themed stuff came out...Perhaps for the SNES's special anniversary there will be something similar Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

This game will be brilliant. I'm not sure whether to import, or support europe. Meh, I'll import, so I get it as early as possible. Let's just hope that this is a return to his old 2D form for Mario.

Hopefully it'll have the same staying power as Brain Training, Animal Crossing and even Mario Kart have as well! Smilie

All signs are that this is a superb addition to the Mario series. It WILL have legs, just like Pok

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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