Nintendo News | Activision Marvels at Wii

By Adam Riley 01.05.2006 3

It has been announced that Activision will be releasing a new game based around the Marvel Comics' characters. Working with developer Raven Software, who previously created the two X-Men Legends RPGs, it is due to bring Marvel Ultimate Alliance to next-gen handhelds (presumed to include the Nintendo DS since there is only the PSP, which would not constitute 'handhelds'), current consoles (the GameCube is not mentioned, though, whilst the PS2 and XBOX are) and the whole host of next-generation home consoles (Wii included).

Gamers will take on the role of many famous Marvel characters like Spider-Man, Wolverine, Blade and Captain America in what is being described as an ambitious RPG.

Discussing the game, Will Kassoy, Activision's Vice President of Global Brand Management had this to say:

"Marvel: Ultimate Alliance delivers a new twist on action/RPGs where players' actions and choices ultimately determine what happens to the Marvel universe. This coupled with the game's enormous character roster will deliver an action-packed experience that comic book fans have been waiting for."

In Marvel: Ultimate Alliance the gamer is promised the ultimate in team customisation, with players being able to create their own team name, icon and vehicle and establish their team reputation as they journey through the plot. How the plot unfolds, though, is entirely up to you! And rather than being too stunted, there will be multiple endings to encourage replay to see how your decisions can affect the game. There will also be the option of playing online or offline in various co-operative modes that are featured, along with competitive mode.

Stay tuned to C3 for further updates...


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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Dear god Activision dont muck this up. There's so much potential!

Wahay, sounds pretty awesome - one to look out for me thinks.

Now we all need is DC to do something similar for the Wii and DS and I'll be fooking esctatic (sp?) Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Legends 1 was 'okay' and apparently its sequel was far improved (although sales BOMBED!), so hopefully third time is the ultra charm for Raven Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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