Nintendo News | Force Feedback for Revolution?

By Adam Riley 25.04.2006 26

Quick News - According to Jeux Video, sources close to them (thought to be Ubisoft staff) are stating the Revolution's nunchuck controller attachment will feature new gyroscopic technology to provide force-feedback during games. In addition the European release date being communicated at the moment is 30th November, 2006, although it has been said that this could change.

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Both of these sound on the money to me, though any feedback is more likely to be in the remote - just a translation error I'd say!

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

To be honest i thought it would be a given that all freestyle attatchments such as the nunchuck would have force feedback as standard. It would be a little pointless if they didn't.

the again i guess you could end up dropping the nun chuck if it did have it. It is a one-handed attatchement after all

edit by GR: please don't double post.

( Edited on 25.04.2006 17:36 by GR781 )

I think we'll get force feedback in the nunchuk as well, and I could see it being motion sensitive as well. The analogue and buttons don't take up that much space...

I think it's accurate.

I suppose so, just it might be a little power consuming having this new giro technology in two different places (nunchuk & remote) but running from the one power source (remote).

I also don't really see the need for it in the nunchuk, any on-screen manipulation requiring feedback for immersion would surely only be needed in the controller - unless the nunchuk does have motion sensing too! (I'm far from convinced it will be though...)

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Gyroscopic forcefeedback O_O

Thats an amazing piece of tech, but theres no way they can get it that small :-/

I mean this is SERIOUSLY advanced tech.

It isnt a rumble at all, Gyro forcefeedback means you feel resistant to rotational movement (amongst other things).

( Edited on 25.04.2006 16:15 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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So basically it's going to have vibration? Again, it seems a bit odd to have in on the attachment (considering that not all games will use the attachment)

That would be nice, hope it doesnt get cocked up though...

Thing is, Nintendo bought a large stake in the major gyroscope company a few years back and will have been specifically working hard on something along these it COULD be possible after years of prototypes and

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Yup they own a piece of the company responible for Gyroscopic mouse and which Sony was in a major patent lawsuit in over the PS1, PS2 rumble tech. Microsoft instead of going to court paid a settlement.

The revolution controller has long been pegged to have gyroscopes in it. We also know Nintendo knows how to get the max out of lithium batteries.

never, you do realise that lithium batteries are those tiny batteries used in calculators.

Unless the big N have also revolutionised battery technology.


I have used a gyroscopic force feedback type thing before. It also fit in the plam of your hand so I think it is very possible that the "Revmote" (I hate that name) could have it.

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

lithium ion batteries arn't just used in calcualtors and can be pretty much any size to accomadate the equipment it's in. The DS has one, the PSP has one your mobile phone probably has one.

Edit: Yeah what GR said.

I'm still wondering how they will be charged though, maby a wire that plugs into the GC slots?

( Edited on 25.04.2006 17:54 by Blade2t3 )

This controller is going to cost at least

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Gyroforce Feedback is a type of feedback you get resistant to turning.

It cant make you feel like your pushing something. (thats a physicaly impossible short of it having a little rocket on it Smilie)

Resistants to turning is very cool though.

No one here ever held a fast spinning gyroscope then tried to turn it?
Its exactly like that.

I am skeptical because it would normaly require a big/heavy size internaly.

Nintendo's Immersion corp tilt sensors work of a completely different principle.

"Microsoft instead of going to court paid a settlement. "

Microsoft also bought shares in the company.
They will almost certainly get there moneys worth when Sony pays up. (they have no just lost the case, but also their first appeal)

( Edited on 25.04.2006 19:13 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

It would make sense to have this tech for obvious reasons, also I have seen this tech tested on some gadget show, the demonstrator could bearly control it at full power, and the unit though visually powerful, was roughly twice as big as the left nunchaku, that was about a year ago, by now, its feasible to believe the possibility of such a device.

Whatever the outcome, we're all aware of the fact that Nintendo's got something up their sleeve, and when we know what it is, it might make gyroscopics seem irrelevent.

That sounds awesome if it turns out to be true, but I'm being skeptical. would hate to get my hopes high for soemthing like this.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

No one here ever held a fast spinning gyroscope then tried to turn it?
Its exactly like that.

Ahh I see!
Yeh...seems a bit iffy, and surely it will be power draining as well? Guess we'll have to wait until E3 to see what the real deal is! Smilie

It might not be gyroscope force feedback (making it hard to move the position of the device), but instead resistance feedback.

i.e. it would be harder to push the analogue stick forward. which would be cool

It's being alleged by AMN that the nunchuk attachment has an accelerometer in it. Apparently they were talking to a source from a company close to Nintendo and they are claiming that while it won't be as accurate as the revmote, it can be used for movement and strafing, etc., so for example in an FPS you would turn, aim and shoot by moving the revmote and walk/sidestep by moving the nunchuk. I'm not too sure if I'd like that as much, to be honest...

Unfortunately all rumours and speculation. We had this prior to the revmote being announced and I won't buy into ANYTHING until I hear it straight from Ninty's mouth.

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